1. Topic-
Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy
2. Content-
- Fossil Fuel
- Renewable resource
- Nonrenewable resource
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students know sources of stored energy take many forms, such as food, fuel, and
2. Students know machines and living things convert stored energy to motion and heat
4. Objectives-
1. Students will compare the availability of renewable and nonrenewable energy
sources, while illustrating the dilemma of searching for nonrenewable energy sources.
Introduce the concept of energy conservation at homes and in the community
5. Materials and Aids-
100 Poker chips
4 Containers per team labeled 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th to be used for each search attempt
Energy Sources Worksheet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. What is energy?
2. What are some forms of energy we see around the room?
3. Where do we get energy play?
4. What about cars, TV's, and flashlights?
Are there types of energy sources that could run out

Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal and petroleum (fuel oil or natural gas), formed
from the fossilized remains of dead plants and animals by exposure to heat and pressure in
the Earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years. Fossil fuels are therefore in limited
supply, yet make up a large portion of the energy source we rely on for gasoline, coal, and
oil. In order to counter the diminished supply of fossil fuels, renewable energy sources,
such a wind, solar, nuclear, and hydrothermal sources of energy are being developed as
more economically viable options. Burning fossil fuels is the largest source of carbon
dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide is one greenhouse gases that reduces the amount of
radiant heat lost through the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. The
atmospheric concentration of CO2, a greenhouse gas, is increasing, raising concerns that
solar heat will be trapped and the average surface temperature of the Earth will rise in

B. Development-

1. Explain that students will be working in teams to search the room for "energy
sources"� in the form of poker chips.
2. Students will work in teams of 4 to find as many chips as they can in 30 seconds.
There will be 4 search attempts.
3. Model how to safely move around the room and gather chips in the appropriate
4. Model how to record the data from each round of hunting on the Energy Sources
5. Ask student if they anticipate finding more chips in the 1st attempt or last attempt.

C. Practice-

1. Provide 4 four rounds of 30 seconds for hunting.
2. Students record data on the Energy Sources Worksheet after each round.
3. Graph the results. What did they find?

D. Independent Practice-

Build solar ovens to reinforce the concept of renewable energy. What type of energy
does your oven use to heat up? Is this nonrenewable or renewable energy? What kind of energy do you think powers your oven at home? Do you think that it is renewable

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Place accommodation students paired with another student.
2. provide one on one attention to make sure understand concepts.
3. More time on worksheet
4. Fewer assignments

F. Checking for understanding-

1. When did you find the most chips?
2. Did the number of
available chips increase or decrease?
3. What type of energy decreases overtime?
4. What type
of energy is constantly available?
5. What things can we do to make nonrenewable energy last longer?

G. Closure-

will discuss the main concepts of how energy is used and stored, and what we covered in the lesson.
7. Evaluation-
Assessments will done by worksheets given during the lesson, and what will need to be retaught about the lesson from worksheets, questions and answer and student feedback.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Will see how the lesson went, what's the students needs are, and how can better teach the lesson and what main points and concepts need to be concentrated on more, with student assessment.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www. teacherjet. com)