1. Topic-
Safety in the laboratory
2. Content-
Laboratory Rules

Never go in the lab unsupervised.

Never eat in the laboratory

Read all safety rules on chemicals.

Wipe up all spills.

Keep electrical equipment far from water.

Never taste anything unless authorized.

Coats, backpacks, should not be left on the lab benches and stools.

Notify the instructor in case of an accident.

Do not run in the laboratory.

Do not play with chemicals in the lab.

Do not carry water in the lab.

Keep all passages free from obstruction (bags, books, etc. ).

Safety Colors
Many dangerous chemicals are color coded:
RED "� dangerous
YELLOW "� hazardous
GREEN "� safe to use
BLUE "� actions that should be done. E.g.. Wear protective eyewear.

Safety Symbols

Caution Sign
When you see the Caution sign, always take precautionary measures.
Example: Wear safety goggles.

Electrical Hazard
This Means High Voltage equipment.

Bio hazard
Chemicals which are harmful to living things and to the environment.
Example: Nuclear Wastes

Harmful or Irritant
These substances can be dangerous and should be handled with care. Some may even irritate the skin on contact.

Highly Flammable
These substances may catch fire even under normal conditions.

These substances may explode when exposed to flame or heat, or if their storage containers experience sudden shock or friction.

These substances are a serious health risk and can cause death if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin.

These substances can be a fire hazard as they give off a lot of heat when reacting with other substances.

These substances will destroy living cells as well as other substances such as equipment in the laboratory.

This symbol indicates radiation hazards such as x-rays.

Drawing Rules in Science

All drawings and labeling must be done in pencil.

The tittle of the drawings must be written below the diagram and should be written in CAPITAL letters. The tittle must be underlined and should begin with DRAWING SHOWING ___.

Label lines must be written in scripts (not cursive). Each label must be in lower case.

Label lines must be straight and touch the area that is being labeled.

No shading, coloring or arrowheads are allowed.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Learn why lab rules are important.
2. Ability to identify a safety symbol on a chemical.
3. Tell what safety colors mean.
4. Objectives-
1. Patience
2. Self- Control
3. Discipline
5. Materials and Aids-
Flash drive (WOLMERIAN (H:)- General Science (first form)- Science Rules pptx.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Lab Rules
2. Safety Colors
3. Safety Symbols
4. Drawing Rules

B. Development-

Integrated Science For Jamaica textbook pg. 8-10

C. Practice-

1. Practical exam
2. Crossword Puzzle
3. Classwork

D. Independent Practice-

1. Group Project
2. Assignment

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Use of Labs
2. PowerPoint Presentation

F. Checking for understanding-

Graded Work

G. Closure-

1. Riddle
2. Trivia
7. Evaluation-
1. Good
2. On the right track

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)