Subject: State Changes in Water
1. Topic-
Students will investigate how H2O can change from solid, to liquid to gas.
2. Content-
Vocabulary: state change, solid, liquid, gas
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To understand what a state change is.
2. To get familiar with a lab write up and be able to complete one without assistance.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to describe why water changes states.
2. Students will be able to predict which state water will change into when a certain amount of heat added.
3. Students will know the three states of water and what makes it change states.
5. Materials and Aids-
ice and water, Bunsen burner or hot plate, lab worksheet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. What do we know about H2O? Make a KWL chart as a class.
2. If no one covers it in the KWL chart, pose question about snow. Is snow H2O?
3. What makes snow change to water?

B. Development-

1. Students will start by writing an observation of what happens when snow melts. Why does it melt? When does it melt?
2. We'll go over it as a class and add things to our KWL chart.
3. Introduction of key vocabulary

C. Practice-

1. During practice students will conduct an experiment. In groups of two, they will receive a jug of water and some pieces of ice. They are to use their heating element to observe state changes in the water.
2. Students will use a lab write up worksheet to record their findings.
3. Students will make final statements about what makes H2O change between states.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will receive a worksheet with various questions about state changes.
2. They will also make predictions about other materials and how they'll react to heat.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students who can't participate in the lab activity can watch a video of it and do the same worksheet.
2. Students need reading related accommodations will receive a special worksheet which includes highlighting, simplified instructions and easily referenced definitions.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Throughout the experiment, the teacher will walk around and speak to students about their progress and pose questions.
2. The practice worksheet answers will be collected and checked for answers as well as gone over as a class.

G. Closure-

1. Go over the answers to the worksheet.
2. Talk about the predictions students made
7. Evaluation-
1. As a homework assignment, students will be asked to think of a time (other than snow melting) that water changes state in everyday life.
2. They replicate this event and do a lab write up on it.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Based on the homework assignments, how well did the students understand state changes? Were they able to complete a lab write up? Were students engaged and excited about the lesson? If not, when was their participation waning?

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