1. Topic-
Which Falls Faster?
2. Content-
Gravity, Weight, Air Resistance and Mass
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will understand how gravity affects our life on Earth.
2. Students will be introduced to some basic concepts of physics.
3. Students will understand that there are many forces that affect the speed in which things fall.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be gather data and analyze it to make predictions.
2. Students will be able to identify forces that affect the speed in which things fall.
3. Students will be able to explain that gravity makes everything fall at the same speed.
5. Materials and Aids-
Light objects that include an empty soda can, a plastic fork, and a piece of paper. Heavy objects will include a full soda can, a metal fork, and a heavy book. Cameras will be used to record the droppings. In addition, a projector and screen will be used to view the recorded videos.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Show a video of an astronaut walking on the moon. Discuss with the class about gravity, mass, and weight. Talk about how the mass of the moon and the Earth is different. On Earth, unlike the moon, what goes up must come down. But what makes certain objects come down faster than others?
2. Complete a KWL Chart on what students know and will learn about gravity, mass, and weight.
3. Explain to students they will be performing a Drop Test Activity, where they will be dropping different objects to see which one falls faster. Ask students whether they think mass/weight will affect the speed? Tell students to think of a feather and a rock before allowing students to touch objects. Students will weigh the objects using the classroom scale.

B. Development-

1. Students will form groups and complete a predictions worksheet. They will list the items they think will drop from fastest to slowest.
2. Students will discuss with the entire class of their predictions. The predictions will be written on the board and will be used to compared with the actual results.
3. Students will go outside to perform the Drop Test Activity.

C. Practice-

1. Upon returning to the classroom, students will discuss the actual results of the activity.
2. Students will write journal reflections.
3. Students will re-watch the drop test activity using the projector and complete a graphic organizer to explain why certain objects dropped faster than other objects.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Predictions Worksheet
2. Journal Reflections. Include Drawing.
3. KWL on Gravity, Mass, and Weight - Students will complete the "L" section on their own.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Peer Teaching
2. Audiovisual Learning
3. Cooperative Learning

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Ticket Out the Door - Students should be able to answer, "What did you learn today?" in regards to gravity, mass, air resistance, or weight.
2. Journal Reflections with drawing.
3.General Observations. Predictions will be collected. Walk around the room while students complete worksheets and journals.

G. Closure-

1. Mass does not affect the speed of falling objects.
2. Air resistance is the reason why lighter objects fall slower than heavier objects.
7. Evaluation-
1. Students' journal reflections
2. Test scores
8. Teacher Reflection-
The lesson was a success. The students had a lot of fun going outside to investigate which items would fall faster. It was a good idea to have students measure the weight of the objects and compare them, as the activity integrated science with math.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)