Subject: Physical Science |
1. Topic-
Introduction to Class and the Scientific Method, Communicating with
graphs |
2. Content-
Graphically compare and analyze data points and/or summary statistics
Develop and use systematic procedures for recording and organizing
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. SCSh3c: Collect organize and record appropriate data.
2. SCSh3e: Develop reasonable conclusions based on data collected. |
4. Objectives-
1.Identify the steps scientists often use to solve problems.
2. Describe why scientists use variables.
3. Compare ad contrast science and technology.
4. Identify three types of graphs and explain the way they are used.
5. Distinguish between dependent and independent variables.
6. Analyze data using the various types of graphs. |
5. Materials and Aids-
Computer, Smartboard, Notebook Presentation, Worksheets, Projector,
Presentation, Worksheets, Graph paper, Color pencils, Construction
paper |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
1. Interest inventory/getting to know you activity (10 min)
2. Focus Transparency (5 min) |
B. Development-
1. Discuss with students what they believe science to be and then
compare it to the definition in the text.(5 min)
2. Brainstorm questions science can not answer. (5 min)
3. Notes (20 min)
4. Venn diagram of the three branches of science. Page 7 (10 min)
5. Holy Grail Scientific Method (10 min)
6. Develop a classification system for graphs in newspapers and magazines
page 22 (10 minutes)
7. Notes ( 20 minutes)
8. Have student pairs explain why data from a newspaper/magazine was
presented as a graph (5 minutes) |
C. Practice-
1. Ask students how they solve some problem and then compare it
to steps to the scientific method. (10 min)
2. Discuss why results that do not confirm a hypothesis are important.
(5 min)
3. Create a hypothesis in pairs Page 9 (10 min)
D. Independent Practice-
1. Sponge Bob scientific method sheet (WS, homework)
2. Reinforcement: The Methods of Science (WS, homework)
3. Enrichment: Solving a Measurement Problem (WS, homework) |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. Extra time for assignments.
2. Preferential seating.
3. Explore statistics role in science page 10.
4. Discuss the difference between interpolation and extrapolation |
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Verbal Review
2. Closing Questions
3. Monitor Nonverbal Feedback |
G. Closure-
1. Review Homework
2. Quiz
3. Nonverbal Feedback
4. Look at exit tickets |
7. Evaluation-
1. Review homework
2. Monitor student nonverbal cues
3. Look at exit tickets |