1. Topic-
Scientific Method/Experimental Design

AIM: How can we construct an experiment based upon the scientific method?
2. Content-
Students will have to be familiar with and define the following key vocabulary terms

Key Vocabulary:
1) scientific method
2) hypothesis
3) experiment
4) data
5) theory
6) experimental group
7) control group
8) independent variable
9) dependent variable
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. The students should be able to implement the steps of the scientific method to solve not only science-based problems, but everyday problems within the framework of real-world scenarios.
2. The students will be able to adequately answer questions from the Living Environment Regents that will require them to formulate hypotheses and construct experiments based upon their understanding of the scientific method and the key components of an experiment.
4. Objectives-
NYS Living Environment Core Curriculum: Key Idea 3; Performance Indicators 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.

5. Materials and Aids-
1)Scientific Method Worksheet containing key vocabulary terms and practice problems.
2)Regents questions for group practice.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Students will be reintroduced to the concept of the scientific method. The students will be introduced to the the methods 5 parts:
1) Determining the problem or question.
2) Development of a hypothesis.
3) Design an experiment (control group, experimental group, dependent variable, independent variable) to test the hypothesis.
4) Conduct the experiment and collect the data.
5) Draw conclusions from the data
10 minutes

B. Development-

Students will be presented with a real world problem (that they already may be familiar with) where they will have to apply the scientific method:

Why is my mobile phone bill higher this month as opposed to last month?
Students will be asked if they ever had to use the scientific method before in their daily lives? Under what circumstances?
10 minutes

C. Practice-

Students will be divided into groups where they will be presented with the same 4 Regents questions where they will have to use their knowledge of the scientific method and experimental design. Each group will have 10 minutes to answer each question. After 10 minutes have elapsed, the students will be stopped and 5 minutes will be taken out to compare the answers of each group and clear up any misconceptions about the question. They will then move on to the next question where they will be given the same amount of time to work on the question as the previous question.

D. Independent Practice-

Students will be given a Scientific Method worksheet for homework practice. Where they will have to apply the same principles for solving a problem or constructing an experiment as the did in the group activity. If the group activity ends with time to spare, the students will begin the homework assignment.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Varied Regents Questions based on the scientific method and experimental design.
2. Flexible Grouping.
3. Lab-based problems vs. outside world problems

F. Checking for understanding-

Have the students come up with a real world problem that they use the scientific method to solve. The students indicate the 5 steps of the method in their solution.

G. Closure-

Summarize lesson by reviewing the steps of the scientific method.
7. Evaluation-
Regents Exam Questions
Scientific Method Worksheet

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)