1. Topic-
The convenient use of scantrons to access learning progress. |
2. Content-
Collecting and analyzing data |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Filling out the scantron correctly
2.Catching possible errors
3.Having quick results |
4. Objectives-
1. Establish non threatening and a cheat-free testing environment
2. Allow student to learn at their own pace(with exception)
3. Encourages individual responsibility of their education |
5. Materials and Aids-
A #2 pencil with an eraser, scantron paper, and the scantron reader
is needed. |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
1.Collect data
2.Analyze data
3.Chart the progress |
B. Development-
1.Learning at their individual speed
2.Establishing classroom average
3.focusing on individuals needing more assistance |
C. Practice-
1.Chapter tests
2.Assessment tests
3.Final exams |
D. Independent Practice-
1.Student interaction
2.Immediate gratification
3.sample test |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1.Allows for multiple test
2.Reduction of cheating |
F. Checking for understanding-
1.Is it filled out correctly
2.Easy to use
3. Convenience |
G. Closure-
1.Overall pros and cons of scantron
2.Allows the teacher adjust the lesson plan by having an average of
where a class is at on a specific subject. By pre testing and using
a scantron. |
7. Evaluation-
1.Analysis of data
2.Error margin of using scantron |
8. Teacher Reflection-
The collection of data can be useful when planning future lesson
plans. It can also allow the teacher to help the student take some
responsibility in their education by allowing them a scantron test
will let you know they either know the material or not. And essay
or subjective test or papers can be used for extra credit. |