1. Topic-
Children's Bereavement
2. Content-
Helping children and their parents/guardians cope with the death of a loved one
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. recognizing how children at different developmental stages cope with death of a loved one
2. questions children have about death
3. treatment
4. Objectives-
1. infants, 2-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9 and older
2. did I cause the death, is it going to happen to me, who is going to take care of me
3. explanation of death, correct language, planning memorial services
5. Materials and Aids-
Helping Youth handout, childgrief.org chart
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. What to expect from children at different developmental stages
2. How to help children at a particular stage cope in a healthy way
3. explanation of death

B. Development-

1. Hand out childgrief.org chart
2. describe concept/beliefs,difficult emotions, behaviors depending on patients child's age
3. Suggestions of how the parent can help their child of particular stage cope

C. Practice-

1. Have they dealt with the death of a loved one before involving children?
2. What's appropriate to say to a child in grief
3. alleviating stress through the arts

D. Independent Practice-

1. Keep track of child's emotions
2. Relationship with family/peers
3. mood swings - anything particular triggering them?

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Keep a log of child's emotions vs yours - do your emotions have an impact on your child's, do your child's emotions have an impact on yours
2. Art project that helps child express their emotions
3. remember instances where child became upset

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Overview of child emotions
2. How are their relationships
3. Looking over art work

G. Closure-

1. emotional - how you can help
2. What to say to child
7. Evaluation-
1. how well could child express themselves through art work
2. How well is the child able to verbally express themselves

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)