1. Topic-
Early & Middle Adulthood
2. Content-
Over the age of 18, people become self-sufficient and self-supporting and are considered adults. 20-39 is early adulthood, 40-59 is middle adulthood and 60 & so on is considered late adulthood. Although age plays an important role in the development of humans, the experiences and outlook of a person truly define what adulthood is and age doesn't mean what it did decades ago.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Teachings of Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood
and Mid-life Crisis
4. Objectives-
1.An individual seeks to form relationships and find intimate love. Long-term relationships are generally formed; often marriage and children result.

2. A person develops a genuine concern for the welfare of future generations and to contribute to the world through family and work.

3. When an adult is in their 40s and 50s, more than half of their life is gone and it is recognized that "clock is ticking". They may be prompt to make sudden or drastic changes in order to achieve their goals. Others focus on finding satisfaction with the present course of their lives.
5. Materials and Aids-
PowerPoint, lesson plan, assessment
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Early Adulthood and Middle Adulthood

B. Development-

1. A sense of identity is gained through responsibility as a young adult and this makes them more stable and less insecure than adolescents.

2.Young adults eventually enter middle adulthood, but the progression is not always smooth. As people realize that they are no longer young, they begin to think in terms of how many years they have left.

C. Practice-

Assessment for class period

D. Independent Practice-


E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Are woman more family obligated than men in early adulthood?
2. Do men feel a sense of urgency during their mid-life?
3. How do men and woman differ in middle adulthood?

F. Checking for understanding-

1. For most young adults, what are the main concerns?
2. What does being middle aged mean to you?
3. Do you think young men and women compared to older men and women?

G. Closure-

Adulthood Transition

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)