1. Topic-
2. Content-
New: stereotype, groups, generalization, assumption, cookie-cutter
Review: culture, misunderstanding, differences, conflict
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Define "stereotype"� and state several examples"�in school, community life, and in the literature they read. 2. Describe how cultures of people form the base upon which decisions are made.
3. Describe factors causing conflict and contributing to cooperation among groups (e.g., playground issues, misunderstandings, listening skills, taking
Students will understand that stereotypes are generalizations, assumptions,
or ideas held by one group about another.
(GLE 3.2.2)
will understand that stereotypes are ideas, assumptions, and
that people make about the characteristics of all members
of a group. (GLE 3.2.2)
often lead to misperceptions about a group or individual
cutter misperception). (GLE 3.2.2)
has a culture. It helps to shape how we see the world, ourselves,
and others. (GLE 3.4.1)
need to
own culture in

culture. (GLE 3.4.1)
can also differ
from one another in other ways"�for example, our
and our personality.
all need to be taken into consideration
when we look at another person's
culture and point of view.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to...
Tell why we could have a misconception about someone's culture or
group; this misconception can cause us to stereotype that person and
their culture.
Tell why beliefs and ideas can vary from person to person. Sometimes
we misunderstand someone because we don't know their ideas and we
know little about their culture.
Tell why it helps to know about your own culture when you are attempting
to understand another person's
5. Materials and Aids-
1 cookie cutter
2 dough balls (with & without sprinkles)
white board
pre-cut stereotype strips
graphic organizer
mini quiz
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Day 1: Begin by introducing vocabulary words both new and reviewed. Students are to write the definitions at this time. Students are to create 3x5 cards for daily practice of the vocabulary.

2. Day 2: Introduce the essential questions...What does the word stereotype mean?
How are culture and stereotype related?

B. Development-

Day 2: 1.Ask students why they think that "cookie cutter"� is one of their vocabulary concepts in this lesson?
What is your first thought when you hear the word cookie cutter? What are cookie cutters most often used for? When are they used? Have you used a
cookie cutter? What happens when you use a cookie cutter? Why do you use a cookie cutter?(Take out the cookie cutter and dough (without sprinkles) and demonstrate while asking students to explain what is happening as you create cookies and why)
Hopefully students will understand that a cookie cutter is used to make something alike over and over.

2.NOW ask students what the words cookie cutter and grouping/stereotyping have in common?

3. Ask students if there are "cookie cutter"� people? Can they think of people or groups of people that have like characteristics to the degree that they could
be considered "cookie cutter"� people-or those who seem to be cut from the same mold.(Now demonstrate with the sprinkled dough ball to make a comparison to the plain dough ball)
Are all characteristics of "cookie cutter"� people alike? Bring about the understanding that even though people are alike in many ways, they still have
their own unique differences. People who are grouped by likeness, but still have their unique differences are often stereotyped by that which makes
them alike.
4. Once you as certain that students understand "stereotype"�, close by reconnecting to cookies made with a cookie cutter. Even though they are cut from
the same mold, no two cookies are exactly alike.
Can they think of people who are stereotyped? (i.e.: teachers"�what are the stereotype characteristics of teachers, Italian cooks, doctors, etc.)

C. Practice-

1.For this activity all students need to be standing initially in ONE LARGE GROUP.
Students should be instructed not to talk or use any cue.
ASK STUDENTS TO GROUP themselves BY A VISUAL SIMILARITY, simplify by telling them "by something you can see"�. You may need to
give one example"�grouping by eye color, or grouping by color of shoes or clothing. Tell students they should mentally record the visual similarity by
which they grouped themselves, keeping it in mind to write down when they are back at their seats.

2. Observe how student move about to find where they fit. Give students a set time of about three minutes. There is no limit to the number of groups a
student may join.

3. After the three minute time period has lapsed, have students sit and write down the groups they joined (by the visual similarity they were using). Allow
2 minutes or so.

4. The teacher should lead the following discussion with students.
How and why did they group themselves in the way that they did? What visual similarities were used? What differences were there, even when many
students grouped by the same visual similarities? How and why did this happen? Allow discussion to proceed until you know that students understand
that we group ourselves by likeness but within our groups we still have differences.


D. Independent Practice-

1. Students are given a "Stereotypes in my Community" worksheet with as a homework assignment. Students are to look for a total of 5 stereotypes within their community or neighborhood and explain why.
2.Students have a chance to read the stereotypes they discovered in front of their peers to allow others to see their interpretation of stereotypes.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Day 3: 1.Students are grouped in 4 as they review their vocabulary cards. Next, they will be given 10 minutes to think of a way to act out a stenotype(strips) provided by the teacher.
2.Student groups act in front of the class.
3.Teacher responds accordingly while guiding students.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Review the lesson goals and ideas with your students, asking them to tell what they learned in "Cookie Cutter"�.

2.Provide the following final essential questions...How does my culture influence my interpretation of a stereotype?
Is our classroom an example of a stereotype? What are our common
Why is it important to understand culture, groups, and stereotypes?

G. Closure-

Day 4: 1. Teacher reviews stereotyping and the negative impacts of stereotyping.

2. How can we prevent stereotyping?
7. Evaluation-
1. Day 4: Review stereotyping using a graphic organizer.

2.Day 5: mini quiz

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)