1. Topic-
Introducing Feelings and Emotions.
The following lessons will be broken down into 3- 15 mins lessons.
1. Song, book and discussion.
2. Vocabulary Chart, practice showing emotions in facial expressions and body language.
3. Discuss specific examples of when you show a particular emotion, how to help a friend who is upset and play the game, Guess the Emotion.
2. Content-
Warm-up: Song.
Students stand up, sing and do actions for, "If You're Happy and You Know it."
Book: If You're Angry and You Know it.
Discussion of feelings/emotions.
Vocabulary Chart- Make a visual and word chart of emotions-Sad, happy, scared, surprised, excited, nervous, shy etc.; Play the Emotion game.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Begin to recognize own feelings and emotions.
2.Begin to recognize the feelings and emotions of others.
3.Begin to support friends when they are hurt or upset.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will begin to give examples and make connections to their own emotions and the feelings of characters in books.
2.Students will begin to show others that they care.
3.Students will use modeled language, "I can see you are feeling_______. How can I help?"
5. Materials and Aids-
Book: If You're Angry and You Know It.
Chart paper and markers, visuals of emotions and feelings.
Cards with a picture and emotion/feeling word on it.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Singing "If You're Happy and You Know It.
2. Read book- If You're Angry and You Know it.
3. Discussion of emotions/feelings, modeling examples,e.g. when someone is mean to me I feel sad. Make a feelings/emotions chart using visuals and words.

B. Development-

1. Model facial expressions, body language to show emotions.
2. Discuss how to help friend who are hurt or upset.
3. Discuss connections and model giving examples for Guess the Emotion game. When I see the sun, I am this emotion (happy). How many examples for the emotions can the students come up with?

C. Practice-

Practice facial expressions and body language of emotions by turning to a friend and they guess what emotion you are showing. Think-pair-share.


D. Independent Practice-

1. Children can play Guess the Emotion game independently.
2. Students begin to recognize characters emotions in books, by inferring from the illustrations.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Take photo's of students faces showing a variety of different emotions, label the photo's to remind students of the names of the emotions.

F. Checking for understanding-

In the follow- up lessons, when reading others books like, Feelings by Aliki and Things that Make you Feel Good and Things that Make You Feel Bad by Todd Parr, observe students making connections and using examples from prior experiences. Students are also talking about their feelings with others and beginning to care when someone is hurt or upset.


G. Closure-

Put the Guess the Emotion game on the carpet and let the children know they can play with it, during free choice activity. Make a pictograph activity for tomorrow's Sign- In activity: How do you feel today? Draw your emotion next to your name.
7. Evaluation-
Using anecdotal observations I will record the progress of the students- what they do and say.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)