1. Topic-
Introduction to Stereotypes
2. Content-
Subject Matter: Stereotypes regarding gender.

Key Vocabulary: Stereotype, Gender
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will understand the vocabulary terms, stereotypes and gender.
2. Students will realize that many stereotypes assumed to be associated with a boy, or with a girl, can actually apply to both genders.
3. Students will understand that we should not judge someone based on whether they are a boy or a girl.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will understand that it is okay for boys to like "girl things" (like the color pink), and for girls to like "boy things" (like climbing trees.
5. Materials and Aids-
drawing paper, pencils,whiteboard and marker, and tape.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Review the vocabulary words stereotype and gender.
2. Explain to students that, sometimes, we make distinctions between what boys like, and what girls like. Tell students that we should not assume that others like, or do not like, certain things just because they are a boy or a girl. For example, some girls like to climb trees, and some boys like the color pink--and that's okay.

B. Development-

1. Ask the class what stereotypes they have heard, at home or at school, about boys or girls.
2. Write the stereotypes on the whiteboard (do not categorize into gender). Call on three boys and three girls, and ask them what things they like that are written on the board.
3. At the end of the discussion, point out the things that are gender stereotypes, yet both boys and girls in the class said they like.
4. Ask the class if they have ever treated a boy or girl different, or left them out of something, because they did not think the other child would like it because they were not a boy/girl.
5. Ask the class if they have ever been left out of anything because they are a boy/girl, and, if so, how it made them feel.

C. Practice-

1. Explain to the class that they will be creating a paper quilt that shows that stereotyping is wrong. As a class, come up with a name for the quilt, and create a banner with the name.
2. Give each student a piece of drawing paper, and have them draw a picture of themselves doing something they like that would normally be considered a stereotype of the opposite gender.


1. Have each student come up, one at a time, and tape their picture to their classmates pictures to create a quilt. The quilt can be assembled on the rug.
2. Help the students tape their quilt on the wall outside the classroom for everyone to see.
7. Evaluation-
Evaluation and Assessment: As homework, have the students write a paragraph on why stereotyping is wrong.
8. Teacher Reflection-
As a self-assessment, reflect on your teaching style throughout the lesson, and how it could be improved. In addition, reflect on your past actions--have you ever been guilty of stereotyping with your own students?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)