Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Maintain positive interpersonal relationships.

Contribute meaningfully in the community.
1.I will recall the skills I learned in assertiveness training and communication.

2.I can use the skills I have learned to facilitate effective negotiations.
Materials and Aids-

A. Introduction-

Post on the board or some other prominent place in the room Basic Rules of Negotiation and underneath have written the following four items:
Know what you want and why.
Plan what you will say.
Be truthful.
Don't give up.
Tell the students to imagine that they want to ask their parent(s) for an extended curfew. Apply the four posted rules to that situation. Have them imagine what they might say and what reason they would give for a later curfew. With a volunteer, model the exchange between student and parent using these skills.

B. Development-

Distribute student handout and checklists. Review with students and clarify any confusing vocabulary and/or concepts. Brainstorm possible situations in which to use negotiating skills. Starters could include: with friends trying to decide what movie to watch; with parents to request a change in responsibilities; with a store clerk trying to exchange a faulty CD player; with a teacher trying to request an extension on an assignment.

C. Practice-

Pair students up and ask a couple of volunteer teams to model their negotiations for the rest of the class.

D. Independent Practice-

In teams of 2-3, select a scenario to role-play from the brainstorm list. The student who is not attempting to negotiate completes the checklist for the role player. Students then switch roles and repeat process.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-


F. Checking for understanding-

Role play
informal observations

G. Closure-

1.Reflect on learning target
2.Reflect on success criteria
7. Evaluation-
Student generated list of ideas.
Role Play scenarios

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