Subject: Decision Making
1. Topic-
Peers and their influence on making decisions.
2. Content-
An adolescents frontal cortex is not fully wired and due to this construction of the brain, teens may be sluggish with decision making skills and not make good insightful decision. In this lesson, students will look at a situation and try to solve the problem using consequences of each decision.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.To identify some bad decisions and their consequences.
2.What is involved in making a good decision.
3.Practice making a decision using a social situation adolescents may find themselves in.
4. Objectives-
1.Describe the impact of peers on behavior and their developing brain.
2. Identify steps needed to make a good decision.
3.Solve at least one problem/decision using steps to decision making.
4. How is the adolescent /adult brain different
5. Materials and Aids-
Newspaper article-news report of a teen who got in trouble due to bad decision.
Smart board/remarker board to list steps of decision making or PowerPoint steps i.e.. FCCLA decision making tree.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Do you think your parents are warranted to worry about you when you go out or are with your friends?
2.Research shows teen frontal brain is not fully connected until around age 25. Therefore, decision making is lacking in adolescents.
3.The adolescent brain is self centered and thrill seeking. It does not contain myelin coating to make the connectors mature.

B. Development-

1.Show the parts of the brain- focus on frontal cortex
2.Smart board- PowerPoint part of brain-frontal cortex
3.Examples of Poor teenage decisions that ended in court, police, medical issues or death.

C. Practice-

1.Students in pairs will be given an article of a teenager who got in trouble due to a bad decisions.
2.They will highlight all problems or bad decision that are mentioned in the article.
3. Discuss with partner, did peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, sex, money have anything to do with their thinking process?
4. Is there a different decision they could have made prior to this outcome situation?
5. What would you have done different if it was you?
6. Be prepare red to write and report your conclusions.

D. Independent Practice-

1.List a problem/ decision you have to personally make this week.
2.What are the alternatives you can select in making this decision?
3.List the positive and negative aspects of each choice you could make.
4. What will your decision be and why?
5. Be prepared to turn in your sheet to the teacher.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Students can type, scribe their responses to an aid or to the teacher.
2.The individual problem is not shared with anyone else.
3.Notes on the steps of decision making will be given out.
4. Students with accommodations will have an additional day to turn in the assignment.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Students understanding will be checked as they complete their own problem to solve sheet.
2. On a future test, they will be able to understand the steps of decision making and apply it in class discussions.
3.List a TV show that has family issues- we will watch one example in class and students will pull out the decisions the characters had to make.

G. Closure-

1.The adolescent brain is not mature, do not get upset with your parents, they know you are not ready to make big decisions and they are helping you think through consequences.
2. A person's brain could take up until age 25 to make the frontal cortex connections. Make sure you practice the decision making process or else your impulses could make life lasting bad decisions.
7. Evaluation-
1.Students will evaluate the article looking for bad decision made on the persons part.
2.Identify the purpose of the frontal cortex of the brain and when it is mature.
3. Evaluate why an adolescent may make bad designs and not intend to.

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