Subject: Following Directions |
1. Topic-
Respect and Responsibility |
2. Content-
Look, Respond, Act, Check |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.SWBAT: Follow directions by teacher
2.SWBAT: Participate in active listening
4. Objectives-
1. Student will look at person they are
speaking to.
2. Student will nod head or give a sign that
they understand what to do.
3. Act on what they have been asked to do
4. Check back with teacher so I know you are following directions. |
5. Materials and Aids-
1. SentenceStrips,
2. Poster of Active Listening steps
3. Role Playing cards
4. Document Camera
6. Power Point of Active Listening Steps
7. CPS Clickers |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
Today we are going to practice "active listening" to help follow
adult directions the first time they are given. There are four steps
to being an active listener.
First: you look at the person who is speaking to you. This lets them
know you are paying attention to them.
Second: Let the other person know you understand the directions. Nod
your head or show signal you know what to do.
Third: You follow-through on what you were asked to do right away;
this will help you remember what you are supposed to do.
Fourth: Check back with me so I know you have followed the directions. |
B. Development-
Project role playing cards with pictures that have pictures and
I will demonstrate for you what this looks like. I have a role-play
card (reference projection). I would like Rae to be the teacher. Rae
will give me directions from the card. If I need to remember what
I need to do I can look at the poster on display (point to poster). |
C. Practice-
I will demonstrate active listening using all the cards. When I
am finished I will be sure to thank Rae for helping me. |
D. Independent Practice-
1. Open your Reading Book to page 65 and write the name of the story.
2. Talk so only your partner can hear you.
3. Put your name and date in left hand corner of paper. |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. Chunk segments of lecture.
2. Allow child with TBI extra time to process the information.
3. Emphasize and repeat key points
4. Use pictures and written word cues
5. Model what I expect student's to do.
6. Give students copies of poster and PowerPoint
7. Give quiet area for student with TBI to work in with their partner.
8. Provide work samples that illustrate requirements. |
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Circulate room giving positive feedback
2. Circulate giving corrective feedback
3. Praise the class, "I've noticed a lot of active listening going
4. Share the positive things I saw going on. |
G. Closure-
1.Let kids know they are now experts at this
2. Share my future expectations that I will expect students to follow
adult directions at all times from here on out.
3. Let students know I will reference the poster for them to referenced
if they are not following the expectations.
7. Evaluation-
1.Do my students look at me when I give directions.
2. Do my students show some type of acknowledgment to show understanding.
3. Do my students follow directions in a timely manner.
4. Do students let me know when they have followed directions.
5. CPS clicker test allowing students to use poster to answer questions
about active listening. |