Subject: Bullying/Solving Problems |
1. Topic-
Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Think: Steps to solving a problem |
2. Content-
Social Interaction
Speech |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Children will be able to critically think about how to solve
a problem with a peer without the use of hitting, biting, or screaming
2. Interaction with peers in a group setting |
4. Objectives-
After viewing the whiteboard presentation
1. Children will be able to choose the correct response in a story
and help the character choose the correct action to use.
2. Students will identify the wrong response of the character in the
story and write the correct response on the board |
5. Materials and Aids-
"Tucker the turtle Social Story
Poster of the steps
Interactive Whiteboard |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
1. A story or scenario will be read to the students.
2. We will hold an pen discussion and ask question.
3. We will discuss the correct response to a peer who is not being
very nice. |
B. Development-
1.We will go through the different steps using our bodies (Example:
tuck in and take three deep breaths).
2. We will act out a scenario that is on the board |
C. Practice-
Students will volunteer to act out a small scenario and then the
class will be able to identify if the victim chose the correct solution
or the wrong solution. |
D. Independent Practice-
Each student will be given a scenario
2. In a group, they will write down three different solutions that
could have been done to fix the situation.
3. Students will come up to the board and write down the different
ideas. |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. Large text book with images
2. Use of the whiteboard to draw or write on
3. Could show a video of a problem and then discuss what the correct
action would be. |
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Small discussion about what was learned from the lesson
2. Opportunity for students to ask further questions about what they
may not understand. |
G. Closure-
1. Questions/Comments and Concerns
2. One more run through the different steps of the technique as a
class. |