1. Topic-
Understanding Stereotyping
2. Content-
assumption, bias, ethnicity, race, stereotype
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.understand that assumptions can lead to unfair stereotypes of groups and individuals
2.understand stereotypes and biases affect our lives in negative ways
4. Objectives-
Students will:
1. identify common stereotypes that are held within the school
2. participate in discussions related to stereotyping
3. demonstrate their understanding of stereotypes and the effects it causes through a written response
5. Materials and Aids-
Writing paper and large cards
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Open with a class discussion on the labels that are often given to other people and groups and how the labels are based on the way people walk, dress, look, or socialize. Explain that it is normal to categorize people, but this can lead to making assumptions about people without actually knowing them.

B. Development-

Students will brainstorm categories that are used to label different groups of people at the school. List the categories on the whiteboard, and help students narrow the list down to five major categories.
Write the five major categories onto separate cards and place them around the room. Students will have 15 to 20 minutes to go around the room writing adjectives to describe the categories on each card. Ensure students only add new words to each list.

C. Practice-

Next, share the list of adjective the students wrote for each group, and lead a discussion by asking the following questions:
- Do assumptions apply to everyone in a group?
- Do most people hold the same assumptions about a group? Why or why not?
- Do assumptions tell us anything definite about a categorized individual?
- How do assumptions affect your behavior toward others?
In groups, students will define stereotyping and share their definition with the class. "Explain that when we make assumptions about an entire group of people, those assumptions are referred to as stereotypes. When assumptions and stereotypes influence our attitudes, we may find that making a fair judgment about someone or something is difficult. This influence on judgment is called "�bias'"� (Brown).

D. Independent Practice-

Have students refer to the list of adjective. Students will work individually to write a paper answering the following questions: Do these adjectives describe stereotypes? How can they be unfair and hurtful? How would you feel if someone stereotyped you before they actually got to know you?

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Students with limited English proficiency can be provided common vocabulary words and phrases they can use in class during activities and discussions. Have the words and phrases translated before class. For students who cannot express their thoughts in English allow them to express themselves through their first language or visuals.

F. Checking for understanding-

As students are writing their paper the teacher can walk around providing assistance and checking that students have a clear understanding of the ideas presented in class.

G. Closure-

After students have finished writing their papers have the class sit together in a circle to share what they wrote and discuss issues they present.
7. Evaluation-
"This lesson is designed to affect attitudes and receptiveness to new ideas, which are learning outcomes unlikely to be measurable by traditional assessment methods" (Brown). Evaluations can be based on students' willingness to participate, openness to new ideas, and their level of empathy towards people who are victims of discrimination. Essential classroom values like this must be reinforced throughout the school year.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)