10/19/2010 Grade: 1
Kathy Ehinger Subject: Social Studies
Governmental Elections

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1.Students will understand what it means to be a citizen of the US.
2.Students will be able to explain why people listen to the candidates and base decisions upon what is said.
3.Students will understand that when they fill out a ballot, they are actually placing a vote.
Teacher Objectives-
1.2.3 Functions of government: Explain why rules and laws exist and describe the benefits of having rules ad laws.
1.2.4 Roles of citizens: Describe ways that individual actions can contribute to the common good of the community.
1.2.5 Roles of citizens: Define what a citizen is and describe the characteristics of good citizenship.
* "Clifford For President" by Acton Figueroa
* Two fictional candidates and their platform information (could be for school president)
* Ballot for each student
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.Discuss with the students about the upcoming election and what it means to Americans.
2.Discuss with the students what a citizen is and why it is important to vote.

2. Lesson Progression-

1.Read the book, "Clifford For President".
2.Discuss why Clifford will make a better President based on just the posters Emily Elizabeth and Jetta made up.
3.Ask the students why we need to make sure someone is in charge?

3. Guided Practice-

1.Show the students two candidates for lunchroom president.
2.Discuss with the students the platforms that these candidates have regarding lunch.
3.Have the students vote on who will be the better lunch president.

4. Student Practice-

1.Students will write about why they chose the candidate that they did.
2.Students can work in groups to hold their own election.
3.Students will make posters, hold campaign meetings, etc. to run for class monitor. Position to last 1 week.

5. Learner Accommodations-

1.If a student does not want to participate in running for class office, they are more than welcome to fill a different role in the election process.
2.If there is more than two students running for class monitor, this will be allowed to encourage more diversity of the votes.
3.If a student is unable to write, they are encouraged to draw pictures of what they learned and verbally explain their picture.

6. Assessment-

1.Students will have a class discussion on what the activity was and why the voting was important.
2.Students will be asked to explain to their parents what is going on in the classroom and have the parents suggest a question that can be asked of the candidates.

7. Lesson Closure-

1.Whomever wins the election will hold the office for one week.
2.Students will be able to follow the election of adults both day of election and the following day when we can discuss results.
Measuring Student Progress-
1.Students will receive + for participation in elections/discussions. - for no participation
2.Students reflection of mock election for cafeteria president will be collected. 4 or more points made of why person should be voted is +, 2-3 receive a check, less than 2 a minus.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)