Grade: 10, 11, 12
Subject: Social Studies
Jewish Persecution in Europe before and during World War II.
This lesson attempts to demonstrate persecution of the Jews in Europe before and during World War II. Students will be actively involved in a class experiment in persecution and then on research and presentation of findings regarding Jewish persecution

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1.Students will demonstrate an understanding of how World War II and the events leading up to the war affected people from all walks of life.
2. Students will understand and learn how the abuse of power and control led to the death of millions of people throughout Europe, among others.

Teacher Objectives-
1.Students will be able to:

1. define Anti-Semitism, explain its origins and the reasons for the persecutions of the Jews before and during World War II

2.identify with the concept of persecution and express their understandings in a written journal/letter.

3.improve computer and Internet skills.

4.improve cooperative learning and organizational skills.

5.improve public speaking and presentation skills.
1-blue colored sticker dots
2-list of websites regarding Jewish Persecution
3-Book by Anne Frank (1993). The Diary of a Young Girl.
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.This lesson attempts to demonstrate persecution of the Jews in Europe before and during World War II. Students will be actively involved in a class experiment in persecution and then on research and presentation of findings regarding Jewish persecution

2. Lesson Progression-

1.As students enter the classroom, give those students with blue eyes a blue sticker dog to wear without explaining why. Have two students who are not wearing dots gather all the "dotted" students into one corner of the room

2.Hand out pre-tests regarding Jewish persecution. Have students correct each others' papers, making sure that "non-dotted" students correct those of the "dotted" students. Instruct them to mark all of the answers wrong even if the answers are correct
3.Explain to the students with dots that this persecution is because of their blue eyes and then more on without explaining any further
4.Read a portion of Anne Frank without identifying the book to see if anyone recognizes it
5.Return to beginning activity and explain about the Star of David patch that Jews had to wear and explain that your exclusion of blue-eyed students was done to make them feel what persecution might have been like for such an arbitrary reason
6. Explain the assignment explained below in the assessment section
7.Break students into groups and assign them a different website to research. They will present their findings in a group presentation to the class. Encourage the use of PowerPoint or overhead projector.

3. Guided Practice-

1. The guided/monitored activity will be the journal activities.
2.Students will be given adequate time each time to complete their journals, and if any student has problems, I will be there to help them.

4. Student Practice-

1. Journal activities to measure and show the students understanding of the event taking place and their perspective on it.
2.Group presentation-Students will give a presentation to the class, and in the audience will be someone that was apart of the Jewish persecution that went on during and after World War II. Students will be graded on how well they present their information, how accurate it is, and if I feel they really learned from it. The Jewish memeber who was there during the persecution, will give a grade on their opinion on the accuracy, details, from their presentation.
3. These assignments to measure student progress will be the same as student assessment because they go hand in hand.
4. For extra credit, I will give students a topic that goes along with our the subject and they will write a 2-3 page paper on it. 50 Extra Points

5. Learner Accommodations-

1. This lesson will not discriminate between higher achieving students and those at-risk.
2.The lesson will help students of all educational levels understand the concept and will give them an experience that they are unfamiliar with.

6. Assessment-

1.Students will write a journal entry/letter regarding persecution. They can either use the "blue-eyed" example from the beginning of class or they can take the perspective of persecuted Jew in Germany during the time of the war.
2.Additionally, they may write their journal from the perspecive of a non-persecuted person watching how others are treated. This journal is part of a longer set of journal entries throughout this unit and will be collected at the end of the unit.
Total 25 points per entry.

7. Lesson Closure-

1. Students will hopefully learn that life in the past was not always has easy as they may think. Students will understand how the world we live in today is far better than the war torn, persecution ridden Europe during World War II.
Measuring Student Progress-
1.Students will be measured from there independent practice, which in turn in this case is the same as there overall evaluation.

This Lesson Plan is available at (