10-10-10 Grade: 6-8
Daniel Mineo Subject: United States History
President Grover Cleveland
The impact Grover Cleveland made while President and how his actions while in office are viewed today. The Discussion of the significance of Cleveland being the countries 22nd and 24th president. Discuss his influence over our nation's history and the launching of a 4th party system and the beginning of the Progressive Era

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1. Discussion of what set Cleveland apart from other Presidents in U.S History.
2. To engage the students in how they believe Cleveland's presidency should be viewed today.
3. For the students to have a well rounded and deeper understanding of Cleveland's presidencies, and the significance of his decisions while president.
Teacher Objectives-
1.Expect students to know key points of Cleveland's life and presidency.
2.Engage to student to find ways they can relate to Cleveland and ways in which they do not.
A/V equipment to show students a brief documentary on the life of Grover Cleveland.
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.Brief documentary covering Grover Cleveland's presidency
2.Class discussion on key points of the film.

2. Lesson Progression-

Lead the class in a discussion or lecture highlighting the key points of Cleveland's Presidency

3. Guided Practice-

Have the students make quizzes for each other about Cleveland and grade eachother.

4. Student Practice-

Homework assignment to write a short essay on what they liked and did not like about the president and how they believe Cleveland impacted our U.S history.

5. Learner Accommodations-

Lead a discussion in class about Cleveland. Focusing on decisions which brought about changes in our policies on politics and social ramifications.

6. Assessment-

Review session with class , asking for questions, assuring the comprehension of the subject matter by the student.

7. Lesson Closure-

Discuss topics students found most interesting.
Measuring Student Progress-
Test on Cleveland's Presidency.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)