1. Topic-
Attached garage fires in residential structures.
2. Content-
Subject matter will include overview of building construction types, review of basic residential fire attack strategy, review of forcible entry tactics. Scenario will be given to students of a attached garage fire in a residential structures with barred windows an known occupants.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Provide understanding of different building types.
2.Explain differences in fire attack strategy between room and content fire and attached garage fire.
3.Describe tactics by which barred windows may be breached/removed.
4. Objectives-
1.Student will be able to describe the different types of building constructions and the associate differences in strategy.
2.Student will be able to describe the difference in attack strategies between a residential fire and an attached garage fire with known occupants.
3.Student will be able to provide several strategies for removing or breaching barred windows to remove known occupants.
5. Materials and Aids-
Dry erase board, small scale models (town, people, vehicles), books, PowerPoint.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Introduce and overview topics.
2.Discuss building types.
3.Compare and contrast different strategies for fighting noted types of fires and making forcible entry through barred windows.

B. Development-

1.Demonstrate line and personnel placement on dry erase board.
2.Demonstrate optimal ideas for placement of vehicles, personnel and fire apparatus on fireground.
3.Discuss and demonstrate strategies for requesting, placing and utilizing additional resources.

C. Practice-

1.Have students describe a building type and what differentiates it from other types.
2.Have students detail proper line placement in given scenario.
3.Have students discuss ideas for placements and utilization of fireground personnel and placement of apparatus.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Students must draw and describe a building type.
2.Students will use models to demonstrate an effective strategy for fighting the described fire scenario.
3.Students will detail different strategies for forcible entry through barred windows.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Students will be given a written exam to assess for knowledge of material.
2.Students will be given a similar but slightly different scenario to assess for understanding of concepts.

G. Closure-

1.Thank students for effort.
2.Provide contact info and offer any additional help if needed.
7. Evaluation-
Class evaluations will be given to students in order to assess instructors performance.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)