Grade: First Year Dental Hygiene
1. Topic-
Pre-Clinic 2 hrs 50 mins
2. Content-
Coronal Polishing and Fluoride Application
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. demonstrate the approved skills in operation, care and maintenance of the dental equipment.
2. discuss and implement Center for Disease Control Guidelines for infection control.
3. discuss the rationale and demonstrate the correct patient/operator and assistant positioning consistent with the principals of fourhanded dentistry
4. describe and apply the proper principals of instrumentation for examinations and scaling procedures.
4. Objectives-
1.Upon completion of this unit the student will be able to define polishing and state the reason(s) for polishing with 90% accuracy.
2.Upon completion of this unit and given a tpo don't the student will be able to remove plaque and stain using the correct technique to 90% accuracy within 15 minutes
3.Upon completion of this unit, the student will provide an accurate explanation of the benefits of fluoride specifically related to the patients needs to 90% accuracy.
4. Upon completion of this unit and given a case study the student will select appropriate fluoride relating to the patients needs with 90% accuracy.
5. Upon completion of this unit, the student will select the correct tray size, complete the application of fluoride on a typo don't and give post operative instructions with 90% accuracy.
5. Materials and Aids-
Clinic setting with at least 25 chairs
polishing armamentarium
fluoride armemantarium
safety and infection control armementarium
polishing & fluoride checklist
pen/paper for notes
powerpoint presentation
projection screen
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Introduce myself to the select students I will be working with.
2. Give a short background history about my experience to establish credibility. (5 mins)

B. Development-

1. Powerpoint introduced informed about polishing and fluoride application.
2. Students follow along and take notes as needed
3. Introduce Polishing procedure.
patient postition
operator position
apply disclosing solution
select appropriate prophy paste
wipe paste on tooth surfaces
correctly hold handpiece, start handpiece, apply to tooth
adapt polishing cup, use wiping motion and polish teeth
rinse and redisclose, repeat as necessary
Introduce Fluoride APplication: Tray Procedure
postion patient
explain procedure
instruct not to swallow
tilt head slightly forward
choose appropriate tray size
fill tray
insert tray
isolation and time

C. Practice-

1. Each student will work independently on a typodont practicing these two procedures. First with polishing and secondly with fluoride application. Working by themselves on a typodont simulates real clinic application and prepares the student for patient clinic next semester.
2. A 15 min break will be given between procedures to allow for students to set up for next procedure and come back refreshed. Any questions students have can be answered throughout practice or as instructors walk around monitoring and watching.

D. Independent Practice-

1. A skill evaluation will be given within the next two clinic sessions

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students who test early will help other students during the next clinic session
2. Students who need more practice will have an opportunity in another clinic time outside of the regular scheduled clinic.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students will be given 3 attemps to pass the skill evaluation if needed. Points will be deducted with each attempt.
2. Instructor will be present during clinic practice to evaluate understanding.

G. Closure-

A review of material covered and a question/answer time will be available.
7. Evaluation-
Students will be given an evaluation to complete.
8. Teacher Reflection-
1. Was enough time given for each procedure.
2. Did the students comprhend with this learning style?
3. Did the students seem engaged?
4. Was the skill exam designed to that multiple instructors could give it and still grade on the same level?

This Lesson Plan is available at (