1. Topic-
Fire Safety
2. Content-
I will be teaching the students about how to stay safe in the event of a fire, and how to react should they come in contact with fire (i.e.If they were on fire)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.The children will be able to know how to stop drop and roll
2.The children will learn to listen to their parents/family members instruction as well as their teachers should there be a fire
3.The children will learn to dial 911 if there is a fire
4. Objectives-
1.The children will practice stop drop and roll
2.They will practice listening as to what to do
5. Materials and Aids-
I will be using a posterboard with different pictures to show them the stop drop and roll technique as well as different fire sources to stay away from (i.e. matches, lighters, candles)
6. Procedures/Methods-


I will explain to the children how dangerous fire is and what we can do to avoid getting hurt, as well as how they need to listen to their family members to hear what they need to do. Also I will explain and demonstrate how to stop drop and roll should their clothes catch on fire

Checking for understanding-

I will be asking the children questions to confirm what information they understand, and reexplain the procedures if they do not fully understand. I will also be giving the children the opportunity to ask questions and also share any information they may already know.
7. Evaluation-
The children should be able to tell me what to do if there is a fire at home or at school, and what they can do to prevent fires, as well as what to do if they catch on fire
8. Teacher Reflection-
The children were able to tell me that if there is a fire, they must listen to their teachers if they are at school, or family members if they are at home so they know what to do. They were also able to tell me that if fire got on them, they do not run, they would stop drop and roll.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)