Subject: Reducing Heparin Errors Grade: Hospital Wide Orientation
1. Topic-
Reducing Heparin Medication Errors in newborns and Infants
2. Content-
Heparin Errors, Medication Education, High-Risk Medications, Double Check Standards.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Staf is able to Recognize the Risks associated with Medication administration of Heparin.
2. Staff is oriented to Hospital Policy, Protocol and available resources related to Heparin, medication administration, and Staff responsibility.
3. Staff is prepared to successfully and professionally participate in Double Checking of High Risk Medications while verifying correct patient, correct medication and proper Electronic Mar usage.
4. Objectives-
1. Educate Staff on current issues and risk factors associated with Heparin
2. Review and orient staff to Hospital policies and procedures as well as resources available to staff.
3. educate staff on how to properly and professionally use double checking n high risk medication while correctly charting medication verification and medication administration on the electronic Medication administration record.
5. Materials and Aids-
PowerPoint Presentation, Brochures, Website Access, Pre-test assessment, Competency.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Review recent media exposure related Heparin Medication Administration Errors
2. Review Heparin use, purpose, mode of administration, risk factors and product packaging.
3. Review Policy and Procedures related to High-Risk Medication Administration including proper and professional conduction and charting.

B. Development-

1. PowerPoint: Media Exposure
2. Brochure:Policy & Procedures- Heparin Education
3. Visual: Proper High-Risk Double Check Skit.

C. Practice-

1. Allow open communication, staff opinion and experience sharing after PowerPoint presentation.
2. Encourage questions and advice while reviewing Brochure with Staff
3. Split into teams and have staff participate in skit reenactments of proper double checking

D. Independent Practice-

1. Pretest Scores

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Orientation
2. Lunch/ Breaks

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Post Education Competency
2. Open Communication
3. Post Education Evaluation by Staff

G. Closure-

1. Review of Objectives Met
2. Future Educational Subjects Available and Location of Resources that can be utilized to further staff development
7. Evaluation-
1. Review of Competency Results
2. Decrease in Medication Errors
3. Review of Evaluation
8. Teacher Reflection-
What Worked, How Well staff learned, Future Improvements to Staff Education.

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