1. Topic-
Survival Challenges in the Wilderness
2. Content-
Using comparatives and superlatives to describe differences/life experiences.

Determined, Intelligent, Generous, Confident

Long - Longer
Tall - Taller
Good - Better
Bad - Worse

Long - Longer - Longest
Tall- Taller - Tallest
Hungry - Hungrier - Hungriest
Good- Better - Best
Bad - Worse - Worst
(Long Adjectives)
Comfortable - More Comfortable - Most Comfortable
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will be able to use adjectives to describe experiences.

2. Students will be able to use comparatives to describe observations, differences, preferences in English

3. Students will be able to use superlatives to express observations,differences,preferences in English.
4. Objectives-
1. To enable students to communicate their life experiences,observations, preferences and tastes using comparatives and superlatives

2. To enable students to write a basic email describing a recent activity or event while expressing their feelings using comparatives and superlatives.
5. Materials and Aids-
English in Common 3
Active Book CD
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. The focus of today's class will be pages 37 to 41.

The first hour will focus on comparatives (comparing two things using adjectives). The second hour will focus on superlatives. (Using a superlative adjective to describe 3 or more things)

2.WARM UP Page 37
Students will asked to look at the photos and associate words that describe each photo.

3. Student will be asked to discuss their opinions with regard to activities that requires survival and risk taking.

B. Development-

Page 39 describing people
1. Adjectives will be introduced as a way of describing people.
- My sister is a Professor.
She is intelligent

- My brother is an Actor.
He is creative.

Page 39 Grammar
2. The comparative of a one syllable adjective:

For eg.
T: John is tall, but Bill is taller than Bob. Bob is shorter than Bill. Making sure that students understand that for these adjectives the comparative is formed by adding -er. Students compare their heights.

Students will also be shown that all comparatives end with -er than descriptor.

Including irregular (good- better) and the more descriptor (delicious - more-delicious)

Page 41 Grammar Superlatives
The three students who are standing will be introduced with the superlative:
T: John is taller than Bill, but Bob is taller than John. Bob is the tallest of the three. Students will be able to understand that the superlative is formed by adding "�est. Students say who is the tallest and who is the shortest in the class.

Students will also be shown that not all superlatives end with -est. both irregular (good- better - best) and the most descriptor (adj - more - most).

C. Practice-

1. Warm Up 1 & 2 Pair Work page 37

2. Students will be asked to talk to 2 other students at a different set of tables and make 5 comparative sentences about that student.

For eg. Student B's hair is longer than my hair.
Student C's bag is heavier than my bag.

3. Students will be asked to form a group of 3 and make 5 sentences using a comparative and superlative about differences among each other.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Group Work 2 Page 38

2. Pair Work 4 & 6 page 39

3. Pair Work 2a & 4 page 40

4. Pair Work 9 Page 41

Checking for understanding-

1. Students will be asked to complete both Unit 4 Lesson 1 and 2 of the Workbook

2. Students will also be required to write a short thank you note to someone using a comparative and a superlative.


1. Students will be asked to split into groups of three and ask each other what they plan to eat for lunch.

Whoever is planning to eat the most is obviously the hungriest.

(hungry - hungrier - hungriest)

I'm hungry. He is hungrier. She didn't eat breakfast so she is the hungriest.


This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)