Subject: Career identification
1. Topic-
Understanding different jobs
2. Content-
Careers, jobs, money, happy and unhappy
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Learn about jobs
2.understand likes and dislikes
3.Skills needed.
4. Objectives-
1.Identify what you like to do
2.what kind of education you need to do the job
3.Where to find those jobs
5. Materials and Aids-
Magazines, construction paper, glue and scissors
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.We are going to talk about we like and don't like to do and how that can lead to jobs we might try in the future
2.What kind of work have you heard about from your family?
3.Do they like what they do or not?

B. Development-

1.I have made a poster of jobs I like
2.This is a nurse
3.This is a teacher

C. Practice-

1.In front of you is a magazine, scissors, construction paper and glue
2.Cut out pictures of people or jobs that look like something you would like to do when you grow up.
3.Glue the pictures in your construction paper and share with class.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Allow students time to look for pictures
2. Each student will at least post three pictures on their board
3.Be able to name the pictures and what it represents for them.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Help them identify or name a job
2. Help those who cannot hold scissors due to disability to cut the pictures out
3.To increase social interactions among students, get them to help each other to glue the pictures.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Did they identify at least three jobs?
2.Were there able to say if they liked or disliked the job?
3.Did they present to class?

G. Closure-

1.What did we learn today?
2.How would tell that somebody likes their job?
7. Evaluation-
1.All 10 students participated and presented to class.
2.All were able to name at least one job.
8. Teacher Reflection-
The students appeared to have fun looking at the magazines, talking and sharing with one another. Some were able to finish and went on to help others. The activity increased the social interactions among students and helped them learn what each other likes or dislike.

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