1. Topic-
Breaking Down Stereotypes
2. Content-
Breaking down stereotypes to build bridges for racial, ethnic, and religious understanding.

Key Vocabulary:

3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will gain a deeper understanding of stereotypes.
2.Students will understand how stereotypes can deny a person of their true identity.
3. Students will brainstorm choices that could help prevent stereotypes.
4. Objectives-
Students will explore concrete examples of stereotyping and the way stereotyping negates and individual's true identity.
5. Materials and Aids-
Copies of Lesson & Reproducible; board and markers
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Begin by having students recall their schema on stereotypes from previous lessons. Go over previous pertaining vocabulary.

B. Development-

1.Review definitions of stereotype, identity, and community.
2.Explain that this lesson will look at the consequences of stereotyping for individuals and for communities.

C. Practice-

1.Hand out Reproducible 7, " They Didn't Know; They Didn't Ask."
2.Pair students into small groups to read the story and write down any questions they may have.
3.Regroup as a whole group and review the questions each group wrote down.
4. Have students break off into pairs and interview their partner to find out three things they didn't know about him or her.

D. Independent Practice-

Have each student respond to the following two discussion questions in their daily journal:
Why is it important to take action when a stereotype is used?
How can you avoid using stereotypes?

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. When breaking off into pairs and small group make sure any student needing extended support is placed in a proper group of peers that can assist when needed.

2. Have visuals and communication devices available.

F. Checking for understanding-

Have students create a pledge of their own to prevent stereotyping.

G. Closure-

1.Explain to students that when people make generalizations, they often judge others unfairly as a result. Emphasize that its important to get beyond first impressions, and that stereotypes are often false when applied to a particular person. Key words to watch out for are All and Always, as in statements such as "all people with purple hair are untrustworthy" or "people with purple hair are always untruthful."
7. Evaluation-
1. Daily Discussion Question journal
2. Stereotype Pledge

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)