1. Topic-
Help to reduce stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.
2. Content-
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Using a variety of activities, students examine the meaning of and examples of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. They work in groups to propose ways to help reduce stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.
4. Objectives-
The learner will:

1. state harmful outcomes of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

2. make a plan to address an issue related to making sure all voices in a community are respected.

5. Materials and Aids-
Group copies of Handout One: Service Project Planning Form.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Introduce vocabulary with their definitions and have class making examples with new words.

B. Development-

Ask students the ways that government, business, and individuals show respect for all voices in a community. Discuss examples in the past of community/business/government failure to listen to all voices that resulted in groups being denied their rights (unsafe work environments, segregation, women's vote, slavery, ethnic cleansing). Ask, What is a "community's" responsibility to make sure everyone's voices are heard and respected?

C. Practice-

1. As a whole class, brainstorm at least three examples of prejudice in the school, community or world.

2. Then have students form groups and discuss ways to creatively address these issues. Have each group develop a proposed plan to take action that respects the voices of people who may not be heard. Use the Handout: Service Project Planning Form.

3. The groups present their plans to the whole class.

4. Once each group presents the plan to the whole class, have students vote on the plan or plans they want to carry out.

D. Independent Practice-

Have students draft and sign a pledge saying that they will not allow any of their peers to be discriminated against or treated like strangers. They should pledge to actively welcome others and keep an open mind when they meet people who are different from them. They should promise to keep this pledge and to encourage other students to sign it. Have students work in small groups to create a list of things that should be included in the pledge. Then, as a whole group, they choose the best elements of the pledge. They should write the pledge together as a whole group and have everyone sign it.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. When forming groups, put weaker ELLs with stronger students (preferably with whom they can speak their native language).

2. Provide translation for new vocabulary and definitions for each ELL, regardless of their level.

F. Checking for understanding-

This lesson will not include any kind of assessment. The focus is to make all of the students to participate in activities and understand the difference between stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.

G. Closure-

Explore art styles from different countries and cultures. Have students imitate art styles with paints, collage, song, dance, or sculpture. Encourage them to communicate feelings about prejudice and stereotypes
in their artwork.
7. Evaluation-
Reflect on the service project by having students write about the impact the pledge and service had on themselves and others.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)