Subject: Philosophy
1. Topic-
Multiculturalism and Toleration
2. Content-
Most modern societies are diverse societies. Nowadays, relatively few people belong to political communities that are either culturally, morally, linguistically, or in some other way homogeneous. To speak only of ethno-linguistic pluralism, though there are only 195 sovereign states, there are approximately 600 living language groups, and more than 5000 different ethnic groups. In sum, then, our world is suffused with a multiplicity of meaningful differences: pluralism prevails. It is therefore imperative that young people living in diverse political communities come to terms with the debate and familiarize themselves with some of the key issues.

Importantly, the sorts of differences we ordinarily encounter tend to be both deep and enduring. Perhaps more importantly, diverse political communities will also tend to be divided ones: manifest differences are a source of conflict, especially where differentiated individuals or groups tend to have different ideas about what sorts of outcomes are desirable. Though we often look to liberal democratic institutions to mediate these conflicts, the 21st century has not borne witness to the triumph of liberal democratic ideals, but instead to the emergence of new schisms and particularisms. Indeed, the ongoing predominance of liberal political philosophy parallels a widespread disillusionment with traditional conceptions of a liberal democratic politics. All of this ought to matter to political philosophers and students of political philosophy, as it is becoming increasingly apparent that modern democratic political communities are struggling to come to terms with diversity.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To introduce students to analytic political philosophy, especially its traditions of clear argumentation and reasoning.
2. To show students that philosophy is relevant and that it affects our everyday lives.
3. To get students thinking about current affairs and political disputes in a philosophical way, with a view to fermenting curiosity and encouraging rigorous critical thinking.

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