1. Topic-
People At Work
2. Content-
Barter and Trade, imports and exports.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. TLWBET explain the difference between someone who barters and trades, and what imports and exports are.
2. TLWBET act out people who barter and people who trade.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will barter and trade with money and pictures of goods produced in TN.
2. Students will give examples of imports and exports as I write them on the board.
5. Materials and Aids-
pictures of goods from TN, fake money, items imported from other countries and social studies book
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. I will introduce the topic by asking if they remember from our previous lesson some of the things make or grown in TN.
2. Once they have given a few examples I will tell them sometimes we send some of those goods over seas to another country who do not have those goods and that those goods are called exports.

B. Development-

1. I will introduce the rest of the vocab with examples and then we will read from our social studies book, pausing for discussion.
2. Next I will draw sticks with students names on them and allow students to pick either a money bag or a stack of pictures of TN goods. If they picked the pictures they are barters, if they took money they are traders.
3. I will allow 15 minutes for the students to barter and trade to either create a farm with those materials or to grow their farm. On the board I will have each of the items listed and why they are important. Example: coal is used to keep your farm warm, and cotton is used clothe their family.

C. Practice-

1. Act out trade and bartering.
2. Look at and give examples of imports and exports.

D. Independent Practice-

Acting out trade and bartering.

Checking for understanding-

1. I will go through what each student ended up and see if they made good or bad trades/barter and see if they have enough to make a farm run.
2. I will ask the students to repeat what each definition is and give and example of one.


Finally I will collect the objects and we will be done.
7. Evaluation-
1. Verbal response to definitions.
2. Observation of trade and bartering.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)