1. Topic-
Reducing Stereotypes
2. Content-
stereotype, assume, fairness, race, culture, girls,boys,women, men,respect,fairness,understanding,assumptions
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Learn vocabulary words
2. Identify characteristics of stereotypes.
3. How stereotypes affect self and others. Help students understand the definition of stereotypes and how they can prevent misjudging the opposite gender based upon likes/dislikes or traits.
4. Objectives-
1. Discuss female and male stereotypes.
2. Work in groups to come up with statements.
3.Learn the definition of the word Stereotype.
4.Work in groups of four to create word box about the opposite gender in regards to the roles of Men/Women, Boys/Girls.
5.Share words with the class to discuss whether these statements are fair and expand on students comprehension of stereotypes.
5. Materials and Aids-
strip of paper, marker, crayon, tape, Index cards, Markers Velcro,Velcro word chart,Four word box/small crates per group, balloons, labels, word strips, needle/pin.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Ask class questions about labels and categories.
2. Write words that describes man and woman class will make a list.
3. Discuss their clothes, walk, talk, occupations and so on.
4 1.Distribute a pile of index cards with words to each group and one pile specifically Velcro ready for teacher.
5.Stick Velcro prepared index cards with the words Man,Woman,Girl and Boy horizontally at the top of the Velcro classroom chart. Be sure to indicate to students that the word boxes/ word crates at their desk are labeled in the exact same way.
6.Pull a card from teachers pile and ask students if the word would describe a man, woman, girl or boy.
7. Allow students time to decide which column they would agree to place the word.
8. In groups of four allow students time to continue to pull cards from their personal group pile and place it in the word boxes/word crates labeled man, woman, girl and boy.
9.Ask groups to share a few words from each box to create a classroom list on the Velcro chart.

B. Development-

1. Explain how it is human nature to make assumptions.
2. I will add a few words to student's list.
3. Read a book about stereotypes "Ruby's Wish" written by Shirin Yim and Illustrated by Sophie Blackall
4.Explain to students that words that categorize a group of people are referred to as "Stereotypes."
5.Write on word strips and post on the chalk board, "All women have long hair"
"All men wear pants"
"All girls like the color pink"
"All boys like video games"
6.Explain how these sentences are generalize statements that are not true for everyone.
7. Discuss stereotypes with students informing them that when you make a "generalized" statement you are saying "ALL" people from a group have or do something. This is not true.

C. Practice-

1. Groups of 3 share list of words and/or phrases.
2. Group brainstorm additional words and/or phrases describing man.
3. Group brainstorm additional words and/or phrases describing woman. then add them to the list.
4. Allow students to return back to their groups and create four generalized statements about men, women, boys, and girls to in their notebooks.
5. Monitor group work by periodically checking on each group to be sure they have grasped the concept being taught.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Discuss additional words and phrases describing other things besides describing man and woman.
2. Ask students to define stereotypes and fairness.
3. Students will write a paragraph explaining what you have learned.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Provide a version of the book in student's native
2. Have students research, find and cut out words or phrases from a magazine or newspaper.
3. Draw a illustration of a stereotypical situation then draw an illustration of ways to reduce stereotypes. If needed students can take it home for homework.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.While students practice independently blow up balloons to stick next to the statements that will be posted on the board.
2.Read each statement aloud to the class and ask students whether the statement is a "Stereotype" or a "generalized statement."
3. Allow students that are called on to come up to the board and pop the balloons next to the stereotypes.

G. Closure-

1. Ask students how would they reduce stereotypes.
2. Go over important points and key vocabulary words.
7. Evaluation-
1. Did students grasp the concept? Meet the goals
2. Did this lesson affect students attitude.
8. Teacher Reflection-
This lesson is effective for all students. Students on all levels can perform these activities. Differentiation helps better fit students' needs.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)