1. Topic-
Taking a Closer Look at Stereotypes
2. Content-
stereotype, ethnicity, race, consequences, media
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students understand that stereotypes work both ways. Just as we may stereotype others, they might also stereotype us
2.Students are able to point out stereotypes when they are occur and know how to overcome them
3.Students can relate to and understand possibly the origins of certain stenotypes
4. Objectives-
1.Students will develop a better understanding of the concept of stereotyping
2.Students will think critically about images and media generalizing specific groups
3.Students will determine the impact of the images on their own perceptions and consider ways to overcome them
5. Materials and Aids-
Blackboard, markers, paper, magazines, television commercials, other forms of media examples
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Begin by ensuring students understand the concept of stereotyping
2.Hold a brief discussion on what exactly stereotypes are

B. Development-

1.Provide a few examples of common stereotypes
2.Explain that stereotypes can be positive or negative and that they relate to anyone around the globe.
3.Ask the students to give a few stereotypes that they are aware of and explain the characteristics associated with the stereotype. i.e. native Americans wear feathers.
4. Go on to explain that many of the stereotypes we see around us come from the media. From what we see, hear and read.
5. Have the class give a few examples of some stereotypes that are commonly seen on television or in magazines. i.e. little boys play with trucks and little girls play with barbies.
6. Emphasize that every group of people can be and is stereotyped. Ensure that the students understand just how they may stereotype others, others are stereotyping them

C. Practice-

1.Split the class into two groups. Assign one group an ethnicity in which to write stereotypical images on. I.e. Hispanics. Have the other group write stereotypical images that may be associated with Americans Make sure to explain what they come up with at this point does not necessarily have to be valid just what they have seen, heard, or read.
2. After ten minutes bring the class back together and make two lists; one for each groups lists of stereotypes.
3. Hold a discussion on how stereotypes may have originated and relate this to the students lists. Have them give examples of how their stereotypes may have originated and potential reasons why.
4. encourage and make connections to the understanding that the media often uses stereotypes. Children grow up with them and no matter what country you are from, you grow up knowing these stereotypes are truths because you see them every day

D. Independent Practice-

Have the students compile a list of stereotypes they see in their every day lives, and provide an example of where they saw it.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Once each student has their list, have them each write a short paper on the power of the media in forming stereotypes
2. Within their papers have them include whether they believe stereotypes are helpful in understanding different groups, why or why not? And have them add some ways in which media sources might be able to contribute in helping people move beyond common stereotypes

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Once the papers are finished and turned in group the students into pairs. Have them hold a discussion on their findings and stereotypes that they saw/noticed most prominently.
2. Walk around the classroom listening to the discussions, gaining an understanding of the students ability to organize and explain stereotypes to one another

G. Closure-

1.Gather the students and hold a class discussion on ways in which one can reverse their perception of stereotypes.
2.List some examples the media can do, and things they can do within themselves.
7. Evaluation-
1.Check the students papers for their ability to explain the concept of a stereotype.
2.Where they able to identify imagery that supports stereotypes? And to what extent can the student offer alternatives to the use of stereotypical imagery?
8. Teacher Reflection-
Reflect on how the students seemed to respond to the lesson. Did they cooperate intently and bring personal reflection, or did they seem rather distant and bored? What can you do as a teacher to alter the lesson in order to make it more meaningful if they seemed distant.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)