1. Topic-
To explore the Pacific Ocean, specifically through the experiences of Louis Zamperini as portrayed in the Summer Reading Program Book, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand using Concept Maps and Online Research.
2. Content-
To learn about the Pacific Ocean, history of WW2, and surviving at sea by exploring factors that influenced the travels of Louis Zamperini in May of 1943. Key vocabulary could include but is not limited to: B24 Bomber aircraft, Pacific Ocean, Survival Gear, Weather, Sharks, Chocolate, Fishing Gear, Hydration, Sun Exposure.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Demonstrate concept mapping and diagramming for gathering and organizing thoughts.
2. Create scenarios of how factors influence outcomes.
3. Presentation of the experiences of Louis Zamperini and how he survived at sea.
4. Objectives-
1. Effective map and diagrams of factors influencing Louis Zamperini's survival.
2. Demonstration of organized thought processes to organize data.
3. Demonstrated research and appropriate citing of sources for one or more other survival stories contrasted with Louis' experience.
5. Materials and Aids-
Concept Mapping Software, Diagramming and Organization Tools, (such as Inspiration 9) Presentation Software (Word, PowerPoint), The Summer Reading Program (Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand), Access to the World Wide Web for Research.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Teacher presentation of assignment and grading rubric. Explanation of what is group responsibility (brainstorming, mapping, diagramming and outline) and what is individual responsibility (written paper, summary) with review of tools to do such.
2. Class discussion of Louis Zamperini's airplane crash and his survival at sea (only hitting highlights thus saving specific details for next steps and group brainstorming.)

B. Development-

1. Teacher explanation for group break out to explore in more depth all factors that helped and hurt his challenge to survive the experience.
3. show map of the Pacific Ocean - how far from Hawaii/US and to Japan, discuss what was US controlled vs. Japanese controlled territories.

C. Practice-

1. Group breakout to brainstorm factors pro and con.
2. Create concept maps and diagrams of factors and any linking or related factors.
3. Research and compare other survival stories during WW2. Incorporate into diagram or separate map, refer to in written summary.
4. Utilize the mapping software capabilities to generate an outline for use by individual students to create a written summary of what Louis experienced.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Create a game of WHAT IF scenarios.
2. Explore the development of what was in the provisions pack as the war progressed.
3. BONUS POINTS (5 extra) - Give ideas of finding a map of the pacific ocean, saving to a file and using graphical tools to track Louis' travels from crash to where he washed ashore onto land. Allowable to print on paper and use color markers or online with paint application or to use any available graphical computer tool.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

For any Special Education students who may be in class, depending on abilities; Create map of the Pacific Ocean and have them draw either by computer or on paper with markers, the path of the life raft. Create list of factors that helped or threatened survival. Develop diagrams per abilities, no written paper required.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Includes detailed descriptions of what happened to Louis Zamperini.
2. Demonstrated understanding that factors were positive or negative on question of surviving or not.
3. Ability to use concept mapping through the outline step to a written summary.
4. Worked to the rubric.

G. Closure-

1. Completed work should include concept maps of organized data, outline, written summary, and BONUS map of Louis' travel on the ocean (paper or computer generated.) 2. Explain that work was to be saved in the appropriate folder and named as LASTNAME_SURVIVAL_Project.* (per program extension), Name, class and date to be inside and at top of documents.
3. Worked saved by due date.
7. Evaluation-
Per 100 point rubric of criteria to include in project. See attached.
8. Teacher Reflection-
1. Did students utilize the brainstorming process and how to map and diagram the information? Did they understand how mapping contributes to exploration of ideas?
2. Did students demonstrate research skills and appropriate referencing/citing.
3. Did students consider a multitude of variables that could influence survival?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)