1. Topic-
Greek Mythology
2. Content-
*Philosophers: Greek Thinkers
*Olympic Games
*Religion, Ritual, Worship
*Greek Architecture
*Greek Art
*Education in Ancient Times
*Trip To Theater
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Symposia, Oracle, Miasma, Agora, Council of 500, Ostracism, Sherd, Stade, Symposia, Parthenon, Colonnade
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Give students a knowledge of Greek Mythology.
2. Compare past to present.
3. Transfer knowledge to real-life application.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to recognize Greek culture in people, fashion, food, religion, architecture, government, theater, and art.
2. Students will be able to compare and contrast past civilizations to present.
3. Students will be able to transfer their knowledge of Greek Mythology into a 5 paragraph Research Paper.
5. Materials and Aids-
Art supplies
Internet access
White Board
Various Printed Materials
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Who's Who (Internet site)
2.Survey: Which God Are You?

B. Development-

Teacher walks students through Who's Who by taking his/her own survey.

C. Practice-

1. Have students individually walk through "Who's Who" and become familiar with Greek gods and philosophers we will be discussing throughout the unit.
2. After becoming familiar with some, have students take survey "Which God are You?"
3. Read and discuss Philosophy: Greek Thinkers. After discussing quotes, have students create a quote of their own.
4. Storytime.
5. Read and discuss "Olympic Games." Compare to today's games and have students work in pairs to create their own Olympic game. If possible:Go outside and try to play some of them.
6. Discuss "Fashion/Food." Have students choose between 3 projects:1) Research and draw samples of Greek fashion. 2) Research and come up with Greek recipe from the past. Bring to share. 3) Research and make a costume of your own resembling Greek fashion. Wear to class to share.
7. Read and discuss "Religion, Ritual, and Worship." Talk about the differences we see from then to now. Watch "Apollo and his Oracle. Have students play "Ask The Oracle."
8. Read and discuss "Politics and Government." Review vocabulary with students.
9. Storytime.
10. Read and discuss "Greek Agriculture." Have visuals available for students to see examples.
11.Greek Art Project: Make masks.
12. Storytime.
13. Read and discuss "Education in Ancient Times." Have students compare and contrast education of past and present.
14. Read and discuss Trip to Theater. "Have students research and choose a Greek play to act out in class. Write a paragraph about what the experience was like. How was the play different from those who have seen or heard?
15. As a fun ending and before the culminating project, allow students a day to play games from the website.
16. Students use the knowledge they have acquired, and research they gather from the Internet, books, etc. to write a 5-paragraph Research paper on a Greek topic of their choice. Can be person, place, philosophy, etc.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Vocabulary Quiz
2. Art Projects
3. Olympic Games
4. Participation in Greek play.
5. Research Paper.
6. Assessment.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Modify 5 paragraph paper to 2 paragraph.
2. Draw pictures from visuals.
3. Cooperative learning activities.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. End-of-unit assessment
2. Research Paper
3. Rubrics
4. Projects

G. Closure-

1. Play Interactive Games
2. Watch "Clash of The Titans."
7. Evaluation-
1. Research Paper
2. Quiz and Test
3. Participation in activities.
4. Projects

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)