1. Topic-
Civil Rights 1960's
2. Content-
Sit-ins, Freedom Riders, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, Black Panthers, Bloody Sunday, Racial Discrimination, Malcolm X, NAACP, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, The Montgomery Bus Boycott, The Little Rock Nine, Brown VS. The Board of Education, James Meredith
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will become knowledgeable about key events of The Civil Rights movement in The US during The 1960's.
2. Students will be familiar with and knowledgeable about key people associated with The Civil Rights movement in The US during The 1960's.
3. Students will work well with all team members to create a fully developed project to present to The class.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be divided into groups based on specific topic areas.
2. Students will equally distribute work and designate tasks among themselves.
3. All students will participate in The final presentation for their peers.
5. Materials and Aids-
Students will utilize poster board materials, stencils, markers, etc. To create a visually appealing and informative poster.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. View clips of attempting to prevent reform/ struggles of civil rights activists.
2. Review Key Events
3. Review Key People

B. Development-

1. Students will review handout stating specifics of assignment requirements.
2. Students will review rubric to be used in assessment.
3. Students will gather and prepare all materials.

C. Practice-

1. Teacher will work with students to create an outline of presentation.
2. Students and teachers will conference to assess progress.
3. Teacher will circulate throughout room as student's work.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will complete outlines.
2. Students will complete accompanying poster.
3. Students will practice and perform their presentation.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Topics are shorter for IEP students.
2. Presentations will also be shorter for IEP students.

F. Checking for understanding-

Teacher will utilize a rubric for assessment.

G. Closure-

Teacher will ask questions to each group following their presentation.
7. Evaluation-
1. Rubric
2. Teacher feedback

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)