1. Topic-
Foundations of Government
2. Content-
The United States democracy is based on principles and ideals that are embodied by symbols, people, and documents.
Content 1:
PO 1. Identify the democratic
principles and ideals associated with
the following documents:
a. Mayflower Compact
b. Declaration of Independence
c. Articles of Confederation
d. United States Constitution
e. Bill of Rights
Recognize the contributions
and roles of the following individuals
in creating the American government:
a. John Adams
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Alexander Hamilton
d. Thomas Jefferson
e. James Madison
f. John Marshall
g. George Washington
Describe the struggle
between the Federalists and the
Anti-federalists over the ratification of
the Constitution and the creation of
the Bill of Rights.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will learn about important historical people and why the people are important.
2. Students will learn the importance of historical documents and the principals that the documents are based upon.
3. Students will learn the struggles that were present during the ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.

4. Objectives-
1.Students will with 90% correctness identify the importance of
a. John Adams
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Alexander Hamilton
d. Thomas Jefferson
e. James Madison
f. John Marshall
g. George Washington

2. Students will with 90% correctness summarize what each of the following documents principle and ideas were:
a. Mayflower Compact
b. Declaration of Independence
c. Articles of Confederation
d. United States Constitution
e. Bill of Rights

3. Students will be able to participate in a reenactment of the struggle between the Federalists and the Anti-federalists over the ratification of the Constitution and the creation of the Bill of Rights
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Textbook
2. Internet research
3. History videos
4. Maps
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

In the early days the country had no formal government and therefore the rules and regulations of the land could change daily. It was through a select group of men that this country developed a law of the land that formalized the policies and procedures for citizens of this country. These laws became known as the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. However at every step of this journey the men faced obstacles and rebels that opposed every thing the men tried.

B. Development-

1. Teacher will present material in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.
2. Students will read the assigned chapter in the textbook (14).
3. Students will research information that is presented in their Social Studies folder in Unit 14.

C. Practice-

1.Day 3 students will complete the "who am I" worksheet in their folder
2. Day 6 Students will complete the assignment "What am I' in their Social Studies folder
3. Day 8 Students will get in their small groups to design a play based on their assigned role in the reenactment of the struggles in getting the Constitution and Bill of Rights finalized.
4. Day 12 Students will perform the dramatization they designed.
5. Day 15 Students will have a unit test (multiple choice, true/false, and fill in the blanks)To measure the overall progress of the unit.

Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.ELL students will be allowed to use translation dictionaries and will be excused from the reenactment portion of this assignment.
2. Special needs students will be given additional resources to complete the assignments as well as being partnered with a gifted student.
3.Gifted students will be allowed to work at their own pace and work ahead as they are comfortable. Gifted students will also be partnered with special needs students to act as tutors.

Checking for understanding-

1. Notebook checks weekly
2. Worksheet checks
3. Reenactment rubric
4. Test


Review the information presented and then conclude with a review of the people and documents that were studied.
7. Evaluation-
1. Each assignment will be graded and returned to the student for review.
2.A rubric will be graded for presentations
3. The test will be graded as the formal grade for this unit.
4. Students will also get participation credits for actively working in allotted class time.
8. Teacher Reflection-
This lesson was easy to teach and the students enjoyed getting to reenact the struggles of the early Colonists. Students also enjoyed the ability to research and investigate what the documents meant to them today.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)