1. Topic-
Martin Luther King, Jr. Inspires Peace
2. Content-
peace: no anger or meanness is happening among groups of people.
Nonviolence: finding ways to solve problems without hurting one another.
Prejudice: purposefully hurting or excluding an individual or a group of people.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Review MLK's story.
2. Introduce the concept of "peace".
3. Brainstorm ways to create peace in everyday life.
4. Objectives-
1. The children should be able to answer some questions about what peace looks like in their lives.
2. The completion of one or both planned activities.
5. Materials and Aids-
Scissors, Glue, Markers, Construction Paper
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Question: What does peace mean?
2. Describe what your classroom is like when it feels peaceful to you"�
3. Question: Is everyone in this classroom allowed to use the water fountains? Is everyone allowed to choose their own seat on the bus and eat in the same room?

B. Development-

1. Our parents and grandparents lived in a very different world.

It is hard for us to imagine, but when our parents and grandparents were young, many (but not all!) white people did not want black people to use the same water fountains and eat in the same restaurants.
2. Question: Why is this not fair?
3. It is also called prejudice and it is not okay.
4. Question: Who was Martin Luther King Junior?
5. Dr. King was an African American man who fought prejudice. He wanted people to understand that everyone should be treated equally, no matter what they look like. He tried to change people's minds by doing peaceful things, such as making speeches and gathering others together to march.
6. Question: What is Dr. King's most famous speech called?
7. Here is a bit of it:

"I have a dream that one day American will change so that little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers"�.
8. Dr. King showed us that many times, people could change by talking peacefully and not becoming angry or violent with each other.

C. Practice-

Let's brainstorm some ideas like Dr. King and think of ways we can live peacefully at school and at home"�what do you think?

D. Independent Practice-

1. Activity 1: My Plan For Peace

Directions: Put words and draw pictures of what you think of now that you learned about how Dr. King and how to promote peace. Draw or write about one thing you can do to promote peace this week. It can be something you want to do at home, with your friends or at school.
2. Activity 2: MLK Puzzle

Directions: Here is a painting of Dr. King. Each one of you has cut up pieces of this picture that you can put together and solve the puzzle! Once you know where the pieces go, glue them to the paper that is passed out.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Activity 1: Children may either draw or write their ideas.
2. Activity 2: Peace related words will be on the back of the puzzle pieces so that if a child has trouble putting the picture together, they can use the words to help them.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Question: Is your plan for peace something that you can do by yourself? Or do you need others to help you?
2. Question: Who would like to share their plan for peace with the class?
3. Question: How will you make sure to do this?

G. Closure-

We can allow Dr. King's beliefs and action help us everyday. We can think of him when we want to argue with our parents or are mad at a friend. We can continue brainstorming like this when we feel that something is not peaceful.
7. Evaluation-
1. Are the student's picking plans that are realistic?
2. Are they picking ideas that they can do?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)