Subject: Mid-20th Century History
1. Topic-
The effects/outcomes of Minority Servicemen/Women as they fought for full inclusion towards the end of the Second World War
2. Content-
Latter years of World War II and it's effect on people of color in the US.


Offer Candidate School
St Lo
Battle of the Bulge
99th Pursuit Squadron
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.To allow all students in the class to see how minorities had to struggle to participate in World War II.

2. To show how the military gradually evolved into an inclusive unit as it is today.

3. To show how this affected the eventual end of other racial concerns in America.
4. Objectives-
1.To introduce the role of minorities into the preparation for D-Day/Normandy Invasion.

2. To show that these hard to achieve but successful events led to the eventual inclusion in all branches of the military.

3. To also show how this inclusion led to the promotion of both men and women soliders of color as well as white ethnic groups into officer training schools.

5. Materials and Aids-
Videos: "The Negro Solider", "A Distant Shore-African-Americans in World War II","The Tuskegee Airmen" and others as they relate to this particular concern of the war.

Also I will need a "Smartboard", projector connected o the Internet,various specific handouts and supplementary reference texts.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Open class by discussing how blacks and other minorities were faring by the middle/end of the war.

2. Background successes of such people as Walter Young, Dory Miller, Benjamin O. Davis and others who performed outstanding feats of heroism in order to save others and to prove that minorities could indeed fight in a major conflict.

3. Minority women service women and nurses along with their own special concerns.

B. Development-

1.General Davis for example had to leave his army-airforce unit and travel to Washington, DC in order to stop the break-up of his unit.

2. Minority women nurses had to prove that they could take care of captured wounded enemy soldiers despite the fact that they were well trained and could take care of wounded allied soldiers.

3. Students will break into groups and will brainstorm how these concerns compare to promotion of all regardless of color today but will also explain that some concerns still exist in certain branches of the military. These presentations will be done in class.

C. Practice-

1. Further discussion in groups and class as a whole of other events in the war as it related to the inclusion/exclusion of Servicemen of color.

2. Events that led to the beginning of change.

3. Will show videos that target specific topics here with discussion afterwards. Students can also view these online for further thoughts to be posted online.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students can select one book from a list that I will supply on minorities and their participation in the Second World War.

2. This will be the reading by the student of one to two chapters in the selected book.

3. The chapters will be summarized in the form of questions provided by the instructor and will be answered by the student using personal thoughts and opinions.


E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Since I may have students will special needs/abilities I can have those students to create posters/drawings of personalities from the period,read special poems either created by themselves/or others discussing the events that led to blacks fighting for the right to fight/participate in the war fully and equally.

2.Also popular songs and clothing from the period can beworn or shown using old patterns and photographs from the era.

3. Songs can be sung from the era or presented via "YouTube" or CDs.


F. Checking for understanding-

1.Feedback can be discussed in class with students or private in office if there are some touchy concerns.

2. Groups can also discuss feedback as well in class and present to the class by a volunteer from the group.

3. Class can be asked as a whole weekly if they understand what is being discussed since most of them have never faced this type of discrimination. Older students over sixty can be helpful in these discussions.

G. Closure-

1. Individual students will state their observations about the class and what they have learned.

2. Teacher will ask further questions of class to see what they learned/discovered and how they felt about the period/lessons.
7. Evaluation-
1. Rubrics will be used to evaluate students for the final test of the unit.

2. Teacher written evaluations can also be used.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Hopefully all students in the class will understand that the inclusion of all people of color helped the war to end faster but that the permanent exclusion (if it had occurred) would have led to us loosing it in more ways then one.

This Lesson Plan is available at (