1. Topic-
Political Debate: The Creation of our Constitution
2. Content-
Federalist and Anti-Federalists arguments and plans for the country.

Articles of Confederation
Bill of Rights
The Great Compromise
Bicameral legislature
United States Senate
House of Representatives
Legislative branch
Executive branch
Judicial branch
Thomas Jefferson
Patrick Henry
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. The Students should know and understand what the basic arguments of the Federalists and the Anti-federalists were when the Constitution was created and ratified.
2. The students should have a greater understanding of how and why our government was set up the way it was?
3. Students should learn to work cooperatively and effectively in groups, which will include students from all learning abilities and levels.
4. Students should learn to express and defend abstract ideas orally through debate.
4. Objectives-
1. The first portion of this lesson plan will be lecture based. This is to give the students background knowledge of the topic and understand what they research. We will also watch portions of the HBO series John Adams because it is an interesting and historically accurate show that deals with this time and subject in history. This supplement will hopefully engage the students.
2. The students will be split into two groups: one to represent of the Federalists and one to represent the arguments of the Anti-federalists. Each group will number of positions in the group that will require from different students. (These different positions will be explained under the section labeled accommodations.)
3. A period long debate will be held between the two groups. Each debating their opinions (really the founding fathers' opinions) of how the government should be designed, just how the founding fathers did when creating the constitution.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Computer lab
2. Library
3. power point or overhead projection (for my lecture)
4. Television
5. DVD's and DVD player.
6. Copy machine
7. Timer
8. Buzzer
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

This project will be introduced through my lecture of the topic and my explanation of what is expected out of the groups for the debate.

B. Development-

To be knowledgeable about the subject and be able to properly debate the topic, the research of each group should answer but are not restricted to the following questions.
1. Did the side you are representing favor strong federal government or strong state government? why?
2. How did the side you are representing feel about the affectiveness of the Articles of Confederation? why?
3. What was your respective side's opinion on a national bank?
4. What was your respective side's opinion on a national army?
5. What was your respective side's opinion on the position of the of the president?
6. What was your respective side's opinion on a Bill of Rights?

C. Practice-

1. The class will spend one period in the computer lab where they will print articles on their revolutions.
2. The class will spend one period in library to find and check out books to help their research for their revolutions
3. The students will work in their groups during class to put together their arguments.

D. Independent Practice-

Students will be welcome to do extra research and debate practice during their free time, but there will be no mandatory independent work.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.During the introductory stage, I will make sure any students with learning, mental, emotional, or physical disabilities are sitting near the from of the classroom. This will limit their distractions and make it quicker and more convenient for me to check for their understanding. I will also make copies of notes on the topic for students who have disabilities that may inhibit their ability to comprehend the subject we are learning about.
2. Once the groups are formed and the collaborative work begins, everyone will be responsible to contribute to the group as much as possible. Not everyone has to be a presenter in the debate. Students with emotional disorders, speech and language disabilities, or physical disabilities who do not feel comfortable with speaking infront of the class will not have to. These students can hold the position of recorders, they can be responsible for putting together the information an organized fashion inwhich it can be presented. More severely challenged students who lack the necessary skills to be presenters or recorders can be workers. They can be in charge of printing articles, helping check out books, stapling and putting together the presentations. No student will be forced to be a recorder or a worker. Every student will have the opportunity to present if they desire. The only way a student will not be exempt from presenting is if the student feels that it is to much responsibility, and the teacher agrees.
3.During the debate, students who do not have the ability to greatly contribute to the presentations of either side, can help keep time of answers and rebuttals or help me judge the debate. This is to help them feel involved keep them attentive during the debate.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.I will go around to both groups to make sure that they are staying on task as well as well as making sure that they are getting the main points of each argument.
2.The groups will hand in a outline of the arguments a week prior to the debate to make sure they are on schedule.
3. During the time for the groups to get together I will also make myself available to help any students struggling with the subject.

G. Closure-

After the presentation we will have a class discussion on how ideas from both sides made it into the make up of our government and our country. The founding fathers have shown how two strongly opposing ideals can combined through compromise and make something great.
7. Evaluation-
1. For this project the students will be evaluated on participation and completed.
2. As long as the group completed the debate, everyone who participated will be given full credit.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)