1. Topic-
The topic is Prohibition. Essential Question - Was the 18th Amendment a success?
2. Content-
American History
Key Vocabulary: Prohibition,
temperance, scapegoat, bootlegger
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.T___ will identify the main ideas and pertinent details, and identify the sentences which relate the main ideas and details.
2.J___ will answer 10 comprehension questions from factual materials (e.g., newspapers, maps, brochures) and content area textbooks (e.g., social studies, science) that demonstrate understanding of what has been read which includes distinguishing between relevant and non-relevant material
3.D___ will construct graphic organizers to assist in memorizing information in preparation for selected tests.
4. Objectives-
ELA Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for
critical analysis and evaluation.
- Form opinions and make judgments about the validity of
interpretive texts
- Analyze and evaluate nonfiction
- identify text structure, using supports such as graphic
- preview a text (e.g., in order to build a schema),
noticing structural markers, such as headings and

Social Studies Standard 2, Key Idea 1
"�understand the broad patterns, relationships, and interactions of cultures and civilizations during particular eras and across eras

CCLS for Reading Informational Text
1.Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
a.)Develop factual, interpretive, and evaluative questions for further exploration of the topic(s).
5. Materials and Aids-
Power point slides - Temperance Movement, flapper with a flask, Al Capone's mug shot


Ken Burns's article - "Is it the end of civility (again)?"

Reading Comprehension work sheet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Students will view 3 Power point slides and complete the following DO NOW activity:
What is happening in these pictures? How are these events related? What period of US History do these pictures represent?

B. Development-

Have students complete the DO NOW activity. Discuss their responses. Give brief background on the Temperance Movement, organized crime, and Prohibition. Write key vocabulary terms on board and have students write the definitions for Part I on their work sheets. Distribute article. Read the first four paragraphs to the class. Model how to interact with the text by commenting, writing margin notes, and highlighting vocabulary.

C. Practice-

Students will take turns reading various sections of the article. Complete the "True/False" section (Part II) of the article together.

D. Independent Practice-

Students will complete Part III (short answer questions) independently.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Read and explain directions for each section of the work sheet. Clarify vocabulary and give visual examples of definitions where possible. Use nonverbal prompts to refocus students prone to distractibility. Provide writing prompts for students having difficulty developing a strong topic sentence.

F. Checking for understanding-

Have students trade work sheets to correct the short answer section. They should be able to name three causes that led to Prohibition: loss of moderation, the scapegoating of immigrants, and a breakdown of civility. Students should understand that Prohibition had many unintended consequences, such as the rise of organized crime, an increase in the alcoholism rate of women, the rise of organized crime, and the turning of law-abiding citizens into criminals.

G. Closure-

Giving textual evidence, students will write a paragraph stating an opinion regarding the success or failure of the 18th Amendment.
7. Evaluation-
The opinion paragraph should contain a topic sentence that relates to the lesson aim. There should be five to six sentences containing supporting details, and one to two sentences for the conclusion. At least two of the key vocabulary words should be incorporated.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)