Subject: World History/ US History
1. Topic-
Students will review various topics in World History and/or US History and participate in a review game. Each student will receive 5 extra credit points for attending.
2. Content-
US History
World History
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
By the end of the review, students should have a general understanding of the content that they will be tested on for the STAR exam. Students should also exhibit research skills and teamwork skills. Lastly, students should have fun reviewing topics in history and enjoy working together in order to achieve victory!
4. Objectives-
1.Students will review various topics in US & World History, based on CA Social Science content standards.
2.Students will participate and work collaboratively in a review game.
3.Students will access prior knowledge of various History topics.
4. Students will access various research tools and use them effectively.
5. Materials and Aids-
* Whiteboard w/ markers
* Textbooks (2+ per team)
* Laptops (1-2 per team)
* Reference books(dictionary, encyclopedia, etc.)
* Mini Basketball Hoop w/ ball (I have one that I am more than willing to share)
* Masking tape

Suggested materials:
* Projector to display game questions
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Why history matters?
2. What is one thing you remember from your previous history class?
3. Introduce or reinforce key topics for students to consider.
4. Introduce review game

B. Development-

1. The teacher will need to model and/or explain appropriate use of research materials for students.
2. The teacher will need to explain the rules of the game
3. The teacher may need to model how to shoot a ball into the hoop.

C. Practice-

Rules for Review Game:
* 2 teams or more
* One representative from each team answers the question on whiteboard. Each team member MUST volunteer to represent their team at least once.
* Once the question has been presented, each team will use the research tools they have available to help their representative answer the question.
* First representative to write the answer correctly receives 1 point for their team, and gets to shoot a freethrow for additional points.
* The team with most points at the end of the allotted time wins.

Procedures for Review Game:
* Start by asking for a volunteer to keep score for each team. This can also be done by the teacher if nobody volunteers.
* Next, divide the students into teams (15 players max per team). Have each team come up with a team name.
* Once each team is ready, the teacher can begin presenting the questions.
* One volunteer from each team will go up to the whiteboard to answer. Their team can help them answer the question by using the research tools they have available. Note: Internet use should be monitored.
* Once a team answers correctly, the scorekeeper will record one point for that team and their representative will shoot for additional points.
* Students have the option of shooting for one point, two points, three points, or ten points.
* After the shot is taken, points are recorded and each team sends a new rep to the whiteboard to answer the next question.
* The team with the most points at the end of the allotted time wins the game. The winning team receives 5 extra credit points in addition to the 5 extra credit points they receive for attending, for a total of 10 points!

Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Scorekeeper position for those students with social anxiety.
2. Open notes and textbooks during review game to expand access to each student.

Checking for understanding-

Informal assessment during closure activity.

G. Closure-

1. For closure, the teacher can have students share one thing they learned from the review game that they didn't know before.
2. Another closure activity could be to have each student write one or two things they learned from the review game. This assignment can be used as their ticket out the door.

This Lesson Plan is available at (