1. Topic-
Stereotypes in America. Past. Present. Future.
2. Content-
Discussing the harm stereotypes has done in the past for our people and the same stereotypes that go on today. Have an in-depth conversation to help them understand what the definition of a stereotype is and what it does.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Understanding that stereotypes are not an informative opinion, but a harsh judgment.
2. Better understand the harm that stereotypes can cause in other's lives.
4. Objectives-
1. Have an open discussion on what they believe a stereotype to be, and if they believe it can be harmful.
2.Walk away from class with a true understanding how harmful stereotyping can be.
3.Help them understand that this is one of the more important reasons that History is taught. We want to learn from our past and make sure the same mistakes don't happen again.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Markers
2. PowerPoint presentation
3. Paper
4. Art Supplies (Magazines, Glue, Scissors, Foam Board and Markers)
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.ASk the class in an organized open discussion what they believe a stereotype is?
2. Do you believe Stereotypes to be accurate?
3. Do you think stereotypes are harmful?

B. Development-

1. After getting the answers to the questions, without saying anything about the answers being correct or incorrect, and without passing judgment on the answers! (Want this to be a place where they can be honest, so they can get the most out of this lesson)
2. Show them political cartoons, that emphasize stereotypes. Ask them what they think of the photos. Do they find them funny? Do they find them true?
3. On a piece of foam board ask them to come up with 5 stereotypes around the school. Just the titles. (Such as "Jock" "Brains")
4. Set them up in stations around the room, and tell the students to walk around and write adjectives and stereotypes of these groups.
5. Let them know to only write down one's that haven't been written down, and it can be one that you have heard, not necessarily ones you believe.
6. Give them 10-15 minutes to walk around the room.
7. Once completed go over as a class of each one. Ask them if they find everything to be true. What do they think of the words on the foam board? Do the assumptions apply to every single person in the group?

C. Practice-

1. Complete the same activities but this time for "Racial Stereotypes"
2. Break them up in groups of 5 this time.
3. Give each group a foam board with one of the racial groups on them. Allow them to do the same thing as before, writing down lists of stereotypes about each racial group. But give them time to create things as a group
4. After about 5-10 minutes, have them rotate boards and create new ones.
5. When completed post them in the front of the room.
How do these boards make you feel?
Do you believe all these to be accurate 100% for each person who may belong to this race?
Do you think any of these stereotypes listed are unfair, or untrue?
Are any of these offensive?
How do you think these affect how you perceive someone apart of this group you have never spoken to?

D. Independent Practice-

1. Leave them with a homework assignment to complete an essay of a time when they were stereotyped and how it made them feel.
2. If they never felt like they were stereotyped they can write an essay about how stereotypes have impacted our past, present and future in U.S. History. Be specific with events that have occurred.
3. Have each student read them aloud next class.
7. Evaluation-
This lesson is created to help students understand the world around them. Create an environment where the students feel safe to speak about opinions, stories, and be open with the projects so the lesson is more effective. Continue the lesson throughout the year. It's important to help young adults understand their actions and other's and how harmful they can be. Creating a visualization that stereotypes are very much still alive today and that we must continue everyday to make sure we recognize everyone as individuals and to stay away from generalized opinions and stereotypes.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)