1. Topic-
The Colonization of Georgia

Savannah- "The True Hollywood Story"
2. Content-
This lesson utilizes a primary account written by one of the original Georgia colonists on board the ship "Anne". Cartographer Peter Gordon chronicles the story of the first Georgia colonists as they travel from Port Royal Sound (near modern-day Beaufort, South Carolina) to Yamacraw Bluff. The story that he tells is truly fascinating. From an impending attack by pirates, to episodes of decadent behavior (by the colonists), an awkward meeting of disparate cultures, to fire and potential disaster, this story has it all.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.The students will develop their analytical skills by examining primary source documents.
A. Students will break down the literal text for comprehension, understanding, and major concept development.
B. The students will "fine tune" their analytical skills by searching for potential contextual clues within the document. Finding context clues will help them to refine their acquired knowledge.
C. The students will make determinations about potential "non-literal" truth through studying the authors use of subtext.
4. Objectives-
SS8H2- The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia's history.
a. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe, the Charter of 1732, reasons for settlement (charity, economics, and defense), Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and the city of Savannah.
b. Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia's colonial history, emphasizing the role of the Salzburgers, Highland Scots, malcontents, and the Spanish threat from Florida.
c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery, government, and the impact of the royal governors.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. The Journal of Peter Gordon (Excerpted)
2. "Ripple Effect" Graphic Organizer
3. Accompanying PowerPoint Presentation Packet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Through a brief teacher-led verbal presentation, introduce the Georgia Performance Standard (listed above) to be taught within this lesson.
2. Introduce the Essential Question
A. DOK Level 1- What major events surrounded the establishment of the Georgia colony?
B. Potential Higher Order DOK- To what extent did the incidents that occurred on Yamacraw Bluff during the first ten days of the settlement's existence shape the future development of the colony?

B. Development-

1. The teacher should first explain the concept of a "ripple effect" to the students. Follow a brief (teacher-generated) preliminary explanation by displaying the ripple effect image.
2. Explain to the students that when a solid object is dropped into still water, concentric waves radiate out in all directions from the location of the initial splash. Explain to the students that the ripple effect can have both a literal and figurative connotation. Dictionary.com figuratively describes the ripple effect as "a spreading effect or series of consequences caused by a single action or event".
3. Explain to the students that in this lesson, they will be examining figurative ripple effects in Georgia history.
4. Show the students the image of the "pirate flag". Ask them what images come to mind when they see the skull and crossed swords. Explain to the students that the Spanish used government sanctioned pirates (called Corsairs) to patrol both the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America. Operating from of their stronghold at St. Augustine, the Spanish Guard de Costa (Spanish Corsairs) frequently attacked English ships that they viewed as a potential threat.
5. Show the students the image of the "pirate attack". Explain to the students that the ship "Anne" was approached by what Peter Gordon describes as a "Spanish Guard de Costa".
6. Read aloud the first excerpted passage from Peter Gordon's Journal (February 17, 1733-"The 17th about two in the afternoon, we were alarmed by a sloop who as soon as he perceived us standing along shore, immediately changed his court and bore down upon us, which looking very suspicious made us conclude that he must either be a pirate or Spanish Guard de Costa..."
7. Ask the students to identify any unusual spelling of words, perceived grammatical errors, capitalization inconsistencies, and an apparent lack of punctuation. Explain to the students that Gordon was a semi-educated man, likely taught to read and write at home by his parents(using the Holy Bible as a textbook). Most of his formal education likely came in an apprenticeship to an experienced mapmaker.
8. Explain to the students that what we would consider "problems in the use of language" are quite common in 18th century English writing. Decoding the primary source document (despite what we view as problems/inconsistencies) is one of the primary goals of the lesson.
9. Ask the students to get out their ripple effect graphic organizer. Explain that the central event of February 17, 1733 was an impending pirate attack. Potential class notes on Corsairs can be written on the lines directly to the left and right of the central event.
10. Continue reading the excerpt from Peter Gordon's Journal. Model the procedure of note taking upon discovery of the first ripple in the ensuing ripple effect (Peripheral Event 1- Oglethorpe almost instantly shifts into his military role as leader based on previous training that he received at a French military academy and his experience as adjutant to Prince Eugene of Savoy in the Austro-Turkish War).
11. Continue reading the excerpt until the next peripheral event is identified (Peripheral Event 2- Oglethorpe protects the vulnerable by having unarmed women and children to seek refuge below the deck).
12.Transition to the next peripheral event as it radiates from the center. (Peripheral Event 3- James Edward Oglethorpe, leader of the expedition orders all of the men to the top of the deck with their guns locked and ready. He coordinates with the ship's captain to have warning shots fired near the pirate ship).
12. Continue reading the passage dated February 17, 1733 aloud to the students. Upon identification of the next peripheral event matched to the next concentric ring radiating out from the center, model note taking on the last Peripheral Event (Peripheral Event 4- The pirate attack is avoided. Lives and property are saved).
13. Continue looking at days from Peter Gordon's Journal in the same fashion.

C. Practice-

Continue the lesson in the same fashion for the following days:
1. February 1, 1733
2. February 7, 1733

D. Independent Practice-

Analysis of other days events can be assigned for homework:
1. February 2-4, 1733
2. February 5, 1733
3. February 8, 1733

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. For gifted learners, the following accommodations are recommended: After identifying the central event, have the students to complete a ripple effect graphic organizer depicting a "best case scenario" or "worst case scenario" before looking at the entire passage.
2. For struggling learners, the ripple effect graphic organizer can be used as way to examine the simple chronology of the story.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Require the students to turn in their ripple effect graphic organizers. Examine the students completed graphic organizers overnight to informally check for understanding of concept and content.
2. If time permits, participating students can share their predicted "best case scenarios" or "worst case scenarios".

G. Closure-

1. Based on newly developed understandings of the "Savannah True Hollywood story, have students make predictions through narrative writing about the long term impact of the events that occurred on both February 1 & 7, 1733.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)