Subject: Political Science
1. Topic-
The Judicial Branch.
2. Content-
Supreme court. Article 3. Court of appeals. Judicial Review. Constitution. Trial. Justices. The Judicial branch can be found in article three.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.I want students to have a better understanding of the Judicial branch. What its power is.
2.Students know the court system in the U.S.
3.To know what Judicial Review is.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be to know how the court system and know that congress set it up.
2.Students will know the importance of the judicial branch and that it the president and congress would have different opinions on interpretation of the law.
3.Students will know types of cases and which cases go to which court.
5. Materials and Aids-
I will be showing a video to give students a summary of the Judicial branch. I will also be using a power point.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. I will start off with a question to the classroom and ask them if they know what a trial is or what the supreme court is.
2.After that I show a video on the judicial branch and have them write something down on what they liked and learned.

B. Development-

1.Through power point they I will go through with the and answer questions if asked.
2. The video might answer some questions that they have but I will be answering questions during the lecture.

C. Practice-

1. Through the notes they take they will read those and study those for quizzes and test.
2. After the video students will write down what they learned and didn't know before watching the video.

D. Independent Practice-

1. The quiz they take will measure the progress they have learned.
2. After they watch the video I will have them write down a couple things that they learned.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. For the next time I meet with the class they will be given a quiz.
2. I will also ask them to evaluate me and how I did.

G. Closure-

I will close up if they are any questions after the power point.

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