1. Topic-
The Plains States
2. Content-
Where People Live
population density
grain elevator
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. After the lesson the students will be able to discuss why people in the plains area settled along rivers, and the role that weather plays in their daily lives.
4. Objectives-
1. The students will locate the Plains States.
2. The students will distinguish factors that affect the way people live in the Plains States.
5. Materials and Aids-
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Have the students locate the Plains States on the map in the front of the room.

B. Development-

1. The students will read and discuss pages 228-231. The first section the students will cover is the section "Where People Live."� Here the students will discuss the features that are found in the Plains States. Discuss with the students the importance of the location of town along rivers. Ask the students why so many people built towns along the river. Then discuss the importance of an population density. On the board pull up a chart of different population densities to show the difference between towns. Ask the students why we would need to know the population density of an area.

2.The students will now discuss what it is like to live in rural areas. Remind students that they live in a rural area. Ask them what kind of jobs they find in Effingham county. Discuss the importance of a grain elevator, and pass around a toy grain elevator that the students can look at and touch.

3. Last discuss the impact of weather in the Plains states. Make a web on the board with the word weather in it and have the students work as a class to brainstorm factors involved in weather for the the Plains States.

C. Practice-

Use a web chart to illustrate factors that are involved in weather for the Plains States.

D. Independent Practice-

Vocabulary and Study Guide for Chapter 8 Lesson Two

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Pull up pictures to help visual learners see the vocabulary words displayed on the white board.
2. Pass around a model of the grain elevator so the students can visualize what it is.
3. Make a web chart for the students to use as a visual when thinking of factors involved in weather for the Plains states.

F. Checking for understanding-

Check for understanding as the students place different factors on the white board.

G. Closure-

Discuss the differences of living in Great Lakes States and Plains States.
7. Evaluation-
Students will be evaluated on their Vocabulary and Study Guide Worksheet.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)