Subject: Government
1. Topic-
The President
2. Content-
Textbook sections 13.1 and 13.4: The President's Job Description and Nominations
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Students are going to take notes in KWL style.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to identify the President's roles.
2. Students will be able to understand the qualifications.
3. Students will be able to discuss term-length issues.
4. Students will be able to describe the President's pay and benefits.
5. Students will be able to describe the role of conventions in presidential nomination.
6. Students will be able to evaluate the importance of Presidential primaries.
7. Students will be able to define 'caucus' and its role.
5. Materials and Aids-
Magruder's 354-8, 368-375
White board
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Ask the students who among them would want to be the President of the United States, one of the most powerful officers in the history of the world. Discuss that, then tell the students they are going to be starting their KWL notes on the President today.
2. Possibly have a volunteer available to write on the board. Start the KWL chart and solicit what the students already know for the K column.

B. Development-

Continue discussing and writing what the students say. Fill out the question columns, trying to get the objectives into the discussion. This lesson has a number of objectives, so it may be convenient to inform the students of that fact.

C. Practice-

The students should be taking their notes and participating in the discussion. Calling random people to give their input in the case the class holds up is advised to keep everyone on his toes.

D. Independent Practice-

The students should write what they learned in the appropriate column.

Checking for understanding-

Some students, whom I do not know now off the top of my head, had finished early on Tuesday and had begun their notes already in the style of their choice. If they already have something like that, it is all right if they continue taking the notes in that style.


Remind the students that there are certain qualifications to be President, but they are not actually terribly hard to meet. Tell them further that getting nominated is certainly the most difficult part.

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