1. Topic-
An Age of Exploration and Isolation 1400-1800
2. Content-
Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Treat of Tordesillas, Dutch East India Company, Ming Dynasty, Manchus, Qing Dynasty, Oda Nabunaga, Tayotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Shogunate
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students learn that advances in sailing technology enabled Europeans to explore other parts of the world.
2.Students will learn that advances in the Ming and Qing dynasties left China uninterested in European contact.
3.The Students will learn that the Tokugawa regime unified Japan and began 250 years of isolation, autocracy, and economic growth.
4. Objectives-
1.Student will be able to analyze the impact of Exploration on Europe as well as those areas that were discovered.
2.Students will be able to discuss the importance of the advancement of technology to the Age of Exploration.
3.Students will explain why China and Japan both would not allow European contact and instead isolated their cultures.
5. Materials and Aids-
Books, library, Internet, notes, paper,Promethean board.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Read pages 95-113 and complete workbook pages 38-46 by end of week.

1. Divide the class into three groups and give them the assignment of creating a timeline for the period between 1400-1800. They are to add events that were important during this period and be prepared to defend why they considered those events important.
2.Each student will chose an explorer and using a paper sack form Sunflower in KO or a box and create a presentation on their explorer which shows what they did and why it was important.
3.Each student will write a 350 word response to the following prompt:

In what ways did China and Japan attempt to prevent western civilization from influencing their nations?

4. Students will get into groups of two or three and examine the painting found on page 112. They are to discuss the following question and then each will write down their own answer for this question.
What was the artist attempting to convey in this painting?

B. Development-

1.Show students examples of time lines on the Promethean board.
2.Provide students with an example of a written response to a similar question.
3.Students and teacher will work one DBQ together to give students an understanding of how to work one.

C. Practice-

1.Teacher will move about the room observing groups and individuals at work.
2.Teacher will interject himself into groups to monitor the direction of the discussions and to answer questions if any.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Graded material
2.Workbook pages
3.Formal and informal test

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Teacher questions
3.Work sheets

G. Closure-

Teacher will have a class discussion that will sum up the total lesson.
7. Evaluation-
1.Class work
2.Chapter test

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)