1. Topic-
First Contact
2. Content-
First Contacts

The Year 4 curriculum introduces world history and the movement of peoples. Students examine
European exploration and colonization in Australia and throughout the world up to the early 1800s.

They examine the impact of exploration on other societies, how these societies interacted with newcomers, and how these experiences contributed to their cultural diversity.

Students then explore
the history of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and, using their understandings of
the impacts of colonization on colonized peoples, compare life before and after contact with

The content provides opportunities to develop historical understanding through key concepts including
sources, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy and significance.

concepts may be investigated within a particular historical context to facilitate an understanding of the
past and to provide a focus for historical inquiries.

The history content at this year level involves two
strands: Historical Knowledge and Understanding and Historical Skills. These strands are interrelated
and should be taught in an integrated way; they may be integrated across learning areas and in ways
that are appropriate to specific local contexts.

The order and detail in which they are taught are programming decisions.
A framework for developing students' historical knowledge, understanding and skills is provided by inquiry questions through the use and interpretation of sources.
The key inquiry questions at this year level are:

 Why did the great journeys of exploration occur?

 What was life like for Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples before the arrival
of the Europeans?

 Why did the Europeans settle in Australia?
 What was the nature and consequence of contact between Aboriginal people and/or Torres
Strait Islander Peoples and early traders, explorers and settlers?
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
By the end of Year 4, students explain how and why life changed in the past, and identify aspects of
the past that remained the same.

They describe the experiences of an individual or group over time.

They recognize the significance of events in bringing about change.

Students sequence events and people (their lifetime) in chronological order to identify key dates.

They pose a range of questions about the past. They identify sources (written, physical, visual, oral), and
locate information to answer these questions.

They recognize different points of view.

Students develop and present texts, including narratives, using historical terms.
4. Objectives-
In this unit, students:
 recognize Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories as part of the
shared history belonging to all Australians
 appreciate the longevity and richness of the history of Aboriginal peoples
and Torres Strait Islander peoples
 investigate the histories, cultures and daily lives of Aboriginal peoples and
Torres Strait Islander peoples prior to contact with others
 pose questions about the effect of colonization, particularly the arrival of
early traders, explorers and settlers on Aboriginal peoples and Torres
Strait Islander peoples
 use provided sources to identify points of view and examine the impact of
these interactions on families and the environment
 describe the experiences of a group over time identifying events that
brought change.
5. Materials and Aids-
Laptops, Pens , Paper , Draft, Good copy, Final Copy, Books,
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Students are given 2 1 hour lessons to research to

Inquiry question/s:
 What was life like for Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islander
peoples before the arrival of the Europeans?

 What was the nature and consequence of contact between Aboriginal
people and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and early traders, explorers
and settlers? - researching prompts and suggestions will be given see resource aids

B. Development-

After Researching Students will then be given 3-4 lessons to draft and finalize their understanding for assessment

C. Practice-

Students will be guided and monitored through the researching, drafting, editing and finalizing for submission process.

Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Accommodations will be made for students that are struggling or remedial students please see attached.

Checking for understanding-

Understanding will be check using a Capacity "�Matrix


The sequenced lesson will come to a close when the final project is submitted.
7. Evaluation-
Evaluation will be made for reporting using the SCSA JUDGING STANDARDS IN YEAR 4 HISTORY
8. Teacher Reflection-
at the end of the sequenced lesson I will aim to reflect on how I use children's prior
understandings and
experiences to scaffold
new understandings and
experiences and did I achieve this with these lessons?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)