1. Topic-
Apply: Geographical Features and Natural Resources Of Manitoba
2. Content-
physical features, landforms, topography, natural resources, economy, maps
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will be able to describe and locate geographical features and natural resources of Manitoba.
2. Students will work in groups to plan a project, submit this plan, and execute their plan.
3. Students will create a model of Manitoba.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will work in groups to make a relief map of Manitoba.
2. Students will be able to recall what they have learned from the past two lessons and apply this knowledge to create a map of their own.
5. Materials and Aids-
physical features and natural resources maps of Manitoba
pictures of geographical features and natural resources
classroom map of Manitoba from last lesson
pipe cleaners
crepe paper
other various crafting supplies
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Today we will be continuing our exploration of geographical features and natural resources.
2. Look at big map created by classroom from last lesson.
3. Recap what was done in the last lesson. Call on students to define geographical features and natural resources. Describe a relief map.

B. Development-

1. Look at pictures of both from Manitoba on the SMART Board.
2. Review their personal maps of Manitoba, comment on location and accuracy.
3. Using big classroom map, describe the locations of each feature.
4. Explain the project. Today we will be creating a 3D map of Manitoba using plasticine.

C. Practice-

1. Students will break into groups of 4-5. They will trace an outline of Manitoba on cardboard, and cut this out.
2. Students will create a plan for their maps, including a list of all structures and materials they'll need, and submit this to the teacher.
3. Once their submitted plan has been approved, they may begin building their project. Using plasticine and crafting supplies, students will create a relief map of Manitoba.
4. They should include geographical features, such as lakes and forests and hills, and natural resources, such as water sources, mines, forests.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Each group will submit a project plan.
2. Each group will then create a map based on this plan.
3. Students will present this map to the class.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Students with special needs will follow along with exploration and discussions, and during independent practice will work with the teacher or the educational assistant, according to their needs.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. The teacher will move about the classroom, supervising the independent group work and helping out when necessary.
2. Students will present their maps, possibly in a gallery-walk, or in a formal presentation format, depending on time.

G. Closure-

Once students have finished their projects, they will present their project to the class.
7. Evaluation-
1. The teacher will be able to determine that the students have grasped the concept of geographical features and natural resources through their submitted plan and their final project.
2. The teacher will be able to determine the excitement level of the students through their enthusiasm to create a map.
3. Projects could be used in a parent-teacher conference to demonstrate learning. These projects could also be placed in the hallways so that students from other grades could admire and comment on the projects.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)