1. Topic-
UNIT: Maps and Cartography

Introduction: Perspective
2. Content-
A bird's Eye View

map (drawing of the surface as seen from above, a birds eye view)
cloth (what kind of material was use in early times)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
By the end of this unit, each student should understand spatial concepts and understand geographic perspectives and the relationship between human beings and their environment

4. Objectives-
1.to learn about different kinds of maps

2. to learn the importance of maps and how to use a map to gain information

A. for this lesson - to gain perspective on how a map is drawn (bird's eye view)

B. to be able to create and read a key or legend

C. to organize and use space on grid paper to create a smaller scale map of our classroom in perspective
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Young Discoveries, Maps and Mapping, Barbara Taylor

2. Adding Symbols and Keys: www.ngfl-cymru.org.u/vtc/map_symbols_keys/eng/Introduction/default.htm

3. smart board for note taking, symbol creation, demonstration of layout, discussion starter with class

A. grid paper / 2 each
B. ruler
C. pencil
D. eraser
E. crayons
F. digital camera
G. email access
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. read first section: "A Bird's Eye View"

2. look at an atlas

3. look at a map

4. what is important?

5. compare and contrast perspective

6. how do keys and legends help?

B. Development-

1. create notes together, smart board

2. look at Young Discoveries pictures together, what do you see

3. keys and legends

C. Practice-

1. map our classroom (pay close attention to where items in the classroom are found and laid out)

2. discuss with your partner

3. discuss as a group

D. Independent Practice-

1. HW - create a birds eye view of your own bedroom

2. assess: is the perspective correct?

3. is labeling done correctly?

4. was a ruler, pencil, eraser, planning used for accuracy and perspective?

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. HW - when mapping only include the larger things or the most important items you feel are necessary

2. HW extension - are there any other places where a bird's eye view may be useful?


F. Checking for understanding-

1. use a map to see if the students have grasped the shapes and perspective

2. ask why this technique would be important? when would this technique be used?

3. what did you leave out? why?

G. Closure-

Sharing our homework the following day (mapping of a bird's eye view of our bedroom)
7. Evaluation-
1a. Is care taken when representing the items in the room?

1b. Is there a planning phase?

1c. Is labeling completed properly?

2. Is measurement done?

3. when comparing to picture of student's bedroom, Is accuracy and precision taken into account


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